
That's fair, but the original point was about "grey areas". I think, arguably, 'tolerance of racism' is a grey area unto itself. There's a range of, say, walking alongside them but being silent and believing you're not endorsing them, secretly agreeing with them but remaining silent, voting for Trump et al. Etc.

Do they have a history going back hundreds of years and lynching people based on their biology?

The "communist" side? Did you really say that? Jesus, all these "reds" running around…..

Do you watch CNN? The little gay black republican they had on seemed like he was having a reaaaaaaaally bad night last night. It was hilarious.

Well, their is room for ignorance. Most white liberals I know are "racist" despite their contention they are not…and then there's the people who seem to tolerate racism to "protect our boarders" or "keep drugs off the streets" or whatever…and then there's the guys with torches….So it is sort of a spectrum. It's not

Trump thought this is what people meant when they said they were biracial.

I just learned that the US had like, two actual hangmen who were just regular joes in WW2 who were assigned to hang all the nazis. One died by getting electrocuted in the rain but the other was a carpenter who lived into his 90s and hung tons of real nazis in his youth. Expect the Eastwood biopic anytime.

Not real sure they want people the "live free" just because they are liberal….but like, they are a loosely affiliated group of diverse people who just hate fascists….so really something I can live with compared to organized groups who happily embrace old ideologies that have been proven time and time again to be evil.

My 4 year old just says "Trump's poop/crazy/ugly". I try to get her to say it around as many old white people as possible. Just encourage her to hate. It works!

I'm not real sure they portray people from the Ozarks all that badly. I mean, there's two families of criminals but they are, well, criminals. That doesn't make the Wire or Sorpranos racist….

I'm surprised at the number of people who didn't watch it. I thought it was pretty stellar. It was a little more "network tv" than something like Better Call Saul, but I thought it was entertaining, familiar but unique, twisted enough, and well acted. It is one of the better shows to watch this year for me. Simple and

I hear ya, but this isn't so much a free speech issue. I mean, if anything it's just disappointing. However, what is happening is no where near what used to be going on in society and we somehow managed to survive.

I dunno. I recently read that women are born with traits that are likely to make them more racist…..not individuals, mind you, I'm just talking the general population of women is more likely to be racist which is why we don't see them in leadership positions- they can't manage diversity. It's, frankly, egregious that

Meh. I dunno. The US has an atypically permissive "free speech" policy….I'm fine discussing if it needs to change. It certainly isn't a given. I mean, no one can stop you from speaking anyway…If some speech was illegal you'd just have to get a lawyer and do it anyway.

Don't forget it's also shorthand for "Obama".

Well, "treat" is subjective. I mean, you might get a 45 minutes of a treat and another 45 minutes of poor, headache inducing CGI and a ponderous plot.

Here's my favorite quote by one of the "totally not racist" people attending the rally. "I came to this march for the message that white European culture has a right to be here just like every other culture," Cvjetanovic said. "It is not perfect. There are flaws to it, of course. However I do believe that the

Also and incidentally, I'm not immune to socialization. However, you've omitted the fact that I've literally been designing STEM programs for minorities for over a decade. I'm not "gravitating" towards any scholars. I have a long, sustained academic knowledge on this issue. I'm sorry that it's hard to tease my opinion

I admit the area of contention is not that there is different "brain chemistry" between the genders but, rather, how much it plays into the socialization. There's little question that men and women "think" differently so far as we understand what "thinking" means.

Really? How come no one can manage to provide even one of these thousands of studies which show occupational preferences being primarily determined by biological sex (cognitively) rather than socialization? From you link and the author of the study cited by the memo author: