
I sincerely feel like you are confusing interest or being "drawn" to a certain field with the ability to do the job. I don't think there's any evidence men are "better" computer programers than women.

Jesus, the further down I read the stupider you are…..are you going to shame a male if they studied a "girl degree" or what? Do you even have a fucking point or did you wake up feeling particularly outraged today?

I don't understand your point, to be frank. Is anyone saying that men and women are the same? I fucked last night so I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed if it was with a female body….I just don't see how this is disputable….and I think you're missing the point if you think anyone is doing so to your post…

I'm a moderate conservative and the quotes I'm reading here from the memo are asinine. I'd never describe myself as higher in conscientiousness….I'm a fucking asshole half the time. Also, I don't think holding doors for old ladies is particularly related to the political spectrum…..

Something is obviously wrong. He is way different than when you see clips of him when he was younger. Don't forget that a lot of his supporters pretty much envision that version of him when they think of him. It's not the absolute worst ever.

That dude can move to the front of the gas chamber line. I only say that because I have a rich appreciation for irony.

Yeah, that's true. The whole immigration nonsense yesterday is an example of red meat to his supporters. I wonder how much he really understands them vs. getting lucky though. I mean, leaning into racism isn't a genius move….it's pretty obvious to garner support from x% of people.

My only conclusion is that more educated people have some well thought out view of how the world should be and/or are racists looking for an excuse and they can forgive a lot of Trump shit whereas it horrifies us.

Perfect use of the past tense.

The "all politicians are evil" is pretty much a trope at this point….which is more divisive than anything and allows shit like Trump to happen. It's the same thing as "all cops are evil" or "all lawyers are bad"….

I'm dying for an inter-party ticket. Don't know if either party would actually go for it, but I'd LOVE a Bernie-Kasich ticket. It's my political porn fantasy.

Well, she was horrible in most ways and people would have/did freak out no matter what (for some reason). Anyway, I'm just pointing out that Obama's and Bush's hard drug use was well documented before they were elected and it was a nonissue. Clinton's soft drug use was also well known. The only rub there was the "I

Yes, that's aboslutely the only reason I'd care it was a white guy. Besides that, I think Biden or Franken (at least those two) would be/are very capable without needing to defend their privledge.

Everyone just seems nuts nowadays. Mostly because everyone is so fratured. I hate saying this, but I really just want a moderate white guy to be POTUS for awhile until the boomers are replaced.

Oh, you are better off….It was junior high all over.

That's a pretty reductionist way of thinking about the issue, IMO.

The little person from his early days? Wait…did that guy die?

Well, Obama was open about doing blow too and it was a nonissue. Same with Bush….so my contention that those stories haven't been in play for at least 20 years.

My fingers are crossed that instead of throwing up our hands in digusts and turning over democracy…people will get so tired of the healthcare debate they will just support single payer because it's simple….

What's so special about Kamala Harris? I've seen her speak in Congress several times and she's quite unimpressive to me. Same with Cory Booker. I'm not saying their politics are neccessairily wrong or offensive but I'm suspecious of how much people are pushing them……