
No, No. Tim Kane is absolutely more rational and funny. Didn't you watch the VP debate? :)

From my experience, I figure someone could write two reviews like this a day - at least. I have no idea about their revenue or business model but I'm pretty sure they could find free content and have it reviewed. I mean, pitchfork can make it work with album reviews….Anyway, it seems like they're missing something

HAHA. I mean, I resented the fact that they took Survivor reviews away and kept wrestling…So welcome to the 'club' so to speak.

That show is Into the Badlands and it is postracial. Kinda literally.

You said, "Kinda doubt most internet commentators are "ultra rich liberals" with ties to slavery, but…"

Who is saying that? I haven't read anything so blatently racist on this thread. Am I missing it?

Well, white people, to a greater or lesser degree, have ties to slavery and colonialism. Watching white people deny that is an amusing intellectual exercise.

Slacktivist culture can do two things…..Making a hashtag campagin to oust Trump is equally weak. Just sayin….

It's just Wakanda…not really 'new ground' imo.

I like the scenario…But black people in the PNW is, like, too much suspension of disbelief.

Yeah. "Whatever reason"….lamo.

HAHAHAHA. I live in Seattle too and I misread "the city" as Seattle…which most def isn't 90% black….unfortunately.

How'd they get their education system up and running? The economy?

No, I agree it doesn't look like Trek. It's probably what makes it more appealing to me to be honest. It looks like it has a lot of the qualities of a good show. I have no idea why they'd set it in the "Trekverse"…Frankly, I'd be fine doing away with the concept since I don't want to follow nerd stuff (that isn't my

Opinion seems to be divided on whether a show is better if slaves got stuff vs. slaves didn't get stuff. That's really the only difference between the two shows since neither exists yet. To pretend like either of those inherently makes a better or worse show is pretty lame, imo.

Meh. Just to play Keannu Reeves, I don't see that many people actually being divided about whether slavery should have ended or not. I mean, some people do, but those are the aforementioned Nazis who kind of just are against everyone.

I don't get that one. I think it looks pretty awesome. I'm in no way a Trekkie, but I like science fiction. If they can give me a good science fiction story, I'll be into it fanboys (and girls) be damned.

I think they have questionable depictions of dragons but I can manage my expectations.

Hypothetical on top of hypothetical! Zing!

Yeah. If any of that was ever mentioned it was in passing. They def have black characters who aren't slaves (at least seem to be equal as anyone else).