
See, you didn't even notice. I didn't notice it until the other day. I'm sure it's been done, but I don't remember think pieces being written on it or people getting all worked up….and, yeah. it probably is for the best and I don't think it's "less" of a show, necessarily, but it is striking how they've pretty much

lol. Fair enough. I think the rub would be that people were still assholes. Like I said, my thoughts aren't totally cultivated on what I'd like to see. I'd just like to see more shows where white people think they aren't racist but really are and where the lingering wounds and resentment of our historical legacies as

I also am a fan of alternative history. I like Man in the High Castle, but does it bother you that they seem to gloss over the holocaust stuff? It doesn't bother me, but I'm curious someone else's thoughts.

Yeah….I was thinking the same thing. I'd rather just watch "Wakanda: The Documentary".

I thought that I'd read that before too so I was thrown for a loop.

I generally supported a lot of the raised eyebrows over "Confederate" but this is getting ridiculous….Minus the input from McGruder (who is one guy with individual opinions and not representative of 'black people') why would this be considered "smarter" or "better" than what HBO is doing? For all I know, "Black

Totally agree. The best part was Galdot and Chris Pine who used to annoy me a lot but seems to be growing on me.

As an aside, I wish he could live in a world where it's okay to say "It's not for me" and 1. say it without having to boil over into an egotistical rage about how horrible someone is and 2. Not have to be defensive that people are going to fly into egotistical rages and call you a horrible person for not liking

I really think he seems like a great human being and I think he's a talented comedian…..but I get what you're saying. I'm no one to say someone is 'overrated' because obviously he's worked hard to achieve success….I just can say a lot of it isn't my speed. He's kinda the Dave Grohl of Comedy.

hahah "won the most". That is a good line.

Fair enough, but one only has to point out what Stalin did to his own people to find way more controversial actions.

Also, btw, I totally think the US did lots of not heroic things leading up to and during WW2 that regular joes don't get…So, I guess I can see the argument but, on the whole, I think of it as a pretty noncontroversial statement. Certainly not analogous to the nonsense Trump said about WW1 where the US was basically a

I see it as culturally biased, but I don't see it as a controversial opinion. I mean, technically, soldiers from all nations were heroes….but it's hardly controversial to state that the US turned the tide in Europe…..when we didn't actually HAVE to do anything.

That's actually my main beef. The show, despite it's speculative fiction element, already feels overdone and trite.

It doesn't have to be "return to slavery" as much as "put black people in their place"….which, in my experience, lots of white people want…including lots of liberals.

That's the best point made here.

LMAO. Weirdly, he'd be perfect for this show. Wasn't he in that movie with Samuel L Jackson as the cop? Good exploration of racism.

I think the show seems really, really dumb for a lot of reasons. Nonetheless, I can't imagine living in a world where an artist can't create their vision because of Twitter.

Man in the High Castle has nearly avoided all mention of the Holocaust and concentration camps. It, instead, focuses on geopolitics and how the world was carved out. It tends to work in a suspension of disbelief. Nazis can be, I guess, a stand in for any totalitarian regime. It's hard to see how they can dodge these

Is there an argument that the US shouldn't have gotten involved in WW2 or that it wasn't a noble war to fight? Sorry, having a hard time following your train of thought.