
It's been going in a more interesting direction than I'd have thought….to be fair.

Really? I can see Venom working better than Doom because they can lean into the horror aspects of Venom while Doom is schlocky at best (although I love the character).

Jesse Eisenberg? He'd make an awesome Doom. Make it happen!

I Liked Hickman's run.

FF in the 1960s. How it should be done. You'd watch it.

I'll say it again…it's because they didn't make the FF take place in the 1960s like First Class…..it would be successful if they did.

Well, what else are they going to do with Namor…

I'm loving it. I can't believe it took them 60 years to decide this was an avenue to explore. It reminds me of the 80's when Magneto turned face. It added so much to his character.

If nothing else, I think it's fair to criticize this show for not being all that edgy or original. It's the same problem I had with Westworld. It's garbage done up as "prestige TV". Okay, it's not really bad enough to be garbage, but it is bad enough to not warrant all the press it gets. This stuff has been done time

Oh, that's right. They had the whole weirdness of him buying the Baxter Building. I remember. So, they just think the whole family died or what?

That's a pretty interesting concept. How might the world look if somehow the forces of good stamped out evil. I'd be interested in seeing that…….how human nature would still find a way to fuck it all up.

Well I'll be a monkey's uncle…..

Well, she IS an expert on bondage….I just learned that. lol

More than for years….It is a pillar on which the Avengers were formed. Hell, they JUST mentioned it last month.

For better or worse, that's kind of her thing. She's also the opposite of Jean Grey in every way and they sort of went out of their way to demonstrate that….

I mean…what "maid" or "lass" are there anymore?

Ahh. True.

How does this correspond to being married? Getting laid is absolutely the only reason anyone goes "nightclubbing" in the first place….

Well, Iron Man couldn't, but Tony Stark could. Wanna hang out sometime?

Yeah, she is half…or something.