
You're totally right. I'd forgotten that she went through a few regens….my bad.

Meolody wasn't caucasian?

I love Eccleston but I can't stand his Doctor for some reason….I think because he's a better grim actor.

I've only seen Bruce Willis pull it off.

Why do you have to wait to see her in the role? Because she's a woman? lmao. It's not like she doesn't have a body of work to consider…

Seems like you're reading a lot into an internet post, bro…

Dude…what did Piecar say that made him seem "angry"?

I've blocked whoever you were arguing with so I have no idea the context (but can assume they are an idiot).

They managed to go a whole season with a black, lesbian woman so I figure they can pull it off…..The only hurdle will be balancing the easy initial gags for a few years…

I'm pretty sure it's going to be a female. The line in the last episode has the Master saying "Does the future belong to girls" (or something to that effect) and the Doctor says, "I hope so".

Well…Goddamn. That works for me. lol.

I'm of the understanding her movie is scheduled between the two Infinity War movies….Seems to frequently change though.

I wish he was in the MCU. They do a good job mixing the magic with the technology thing. Plus, Infamous Iron Man is actually a really good story that I can't believe hasn't been tried in the last 50 years. It really elevates his character similarly to Magneto in the 1980s.

Me too. I'm down with the entire Champions lineup though. I'm a grown man, but they've actually done a good job at making a new team which feels fresh, relevant, and well-written. I urge anyone to pick it up if they haven't.

Does it? I haven't seen it which, btw, the spoilers box doesn't show up in comment notifications. Weird. Anyway, it's cool.

Not real sure the Silver Surfer needs to be on the big screen screen.

I say it literally every time FF4 is mentioned but it would be a successful movie if they did it in the 60s a'la First Class.

In some ways I hope they start modernizing the films. I'd like to see some of the younger players in the comics fairly soon.

I thought her character wasn't particularly deep or well developed, but I thought she + Capaldi had some excellent zingers with one another especially about race and lesbianism. It was one of the better Doctor-companion relationships in MHO.

SAGA the comic is top notch. However, I read an interview somewhere where the creators stated they go out of their way to ensure it won't ever be made into a movie by being unfilmable. I guess they are probably correct.