
I haven't. Have have the whole series sitting on my tablet. Is it bad? I read the first few pages and couldn't really get into it but I was still figuring it would warm up. No?

The comic is horrible. It's probably the worst comic I've ever read that was wildly popular.

Well, Skiba went through the Satanist phase…so there's that.

It is hard for me to imagine this making it past 3 episodes. I totally get the issues with their properties and who has the rights, etc, but deciding to "go with the Inhumans" was a poor move.

Yeah, but that's a good thing for the X-men. Those years they just kept inventing and inventing new mutants was horrible. It's just better to circle the wagons and let us know what's what in X-men land.

no,no. I meant to be more "jokey" but had a bad morning. My bad.

I like that about Vikings though. Keeps it interesting. No idea how long they can do that for, but it is narratively ballsy.

Nah. I thought the first season was alright. I just thought it meandered too much. I don't really get the fanaticism around the show, though.

I really don't know why we allow our dumbest people to be armed. It boggles my mind.

The gun shop in my town is next to baskin robins. It makes me uncomfortable how all the imagery is juuuuuust off from weird Nazi looking stuff.

Texas doesn't allow teaching critical thinking….like, for realz.

That's why I'm a fan of the pedagogically sound "backwards history" teaching. Start with Trump and then uncover how the hell we got here…..

Too bad we can't just stop at having a civil race.

Remember that slavery was made a bigger deal because the white indentured servants were legally required to own guns and, well, rose up. Slaves, not so much. There's a direct link here beyond just good old fashioned 1970s racism.

Please don't. Happy for you, but not happy to have to hear about this show too much more.

Somehow better than the actual Inhumans costume budget.

That would probably be closer to the actual Inhumans Karnak than what I'm seeing.

That's closer to what he is in the comics anyway….

Karnak should not be Asian just because he sorta knows some martial arts thing….He's supposed to be scary looking. Also, Gorgon is not supposed to be black because he is tall and speaks with a deep voice….I get that they need some casting diversity but Jesus…..

The best part of the Inhumans is their relationship to the Kree….but I don't see that here.