
They dropped the "replace the X-men" move…..mostly because the Inhumans still sucked. My guess is by the time they realized this the show was already in production or something. In the comics they've basically, rightfully kicked the Inhumans out into space.

It's a palace….I guess?

Yeah…but people also bate to anime porn and all kinds of things. Is it really all that different to want to masturbate to idealized humans? Just say'n.

My was under a bridge and I'm pretty sure was hobo bate material…..but, seriously, it felt like I was a Goonie at the time.

Meh. The War was good. The aftermath, not so much.

Also, we say GW go over the course of 16 years…..from sort of a fratty dad type to an old retired man…..It's hard to characterize someone over such a long period of time.

I think that's a fair point. I'd speculate it was some business interest which ran amok….which is one red flag with journalism that isn't as inherent in the science community (I'm not as naive as this sounds- just speaking generally).

Meh. That's partisan hyperbole. I get it if we all are going to hate all politicians. But if we aren't going to hate all politicians there are totally some GOP people that are fine to work with.

Okay. I went to Foxnews.com. Just to see. With everything going on….The headline is that "Obama's vacations raise eyebrows". I had to check to see if I was in the wayback machine or something.

I agree. But the main point is that they DID correct it. They didn't just steamroll on ahead blindly claiming they were correct.

The best part about the MSM is that the Trump administration won't have anything to do with it. I'm mostly a CNN watcher and I'm sooooo happy I don't have to see Conway interviews live anymore.

I've said it before, but my favorite news segment this year was the white lady with an illegal Mexican husband who voted for Trump. Husband was deported right away leaving her to feed all five of their kids on her gov't assistance and she was upset cuz she thought it was just going to be the bad hombres. I loled all

Fundamental misunderstanding of how things work….that's my theory. Shit like people supporting the ACA and hating Obamacare…..

Why did I used to hate Seth Myers? Okay, I don't watch the show, but his "closer look" segments are as good as John Stewarts ever were (and not as good as John Oliver's).

There are two things that Trump supporters (not only them, but the one good thing is that this election has corralled the worst of us) don't understand: science and journalism. They don't understand that sometimes science changes, is exploratory, and gets debated and vetted.

I saw some footage of lockjaw on Youtube. It doesn't look bad considering what they have to pull off…check it out. So far it's the one promising part of the show. lol

I never really noticed the slow reaction time of everyone. Life was so much slower back then.

Oh god. I just can't stand to see the picture. Gorgon being black is boarderline racist to me….same with Karnak. Both of those are underscored by the fucking horrible picture.

I think a masturbating nun could be relatively innocent. That's just me, though.

Umm. No. An understanding of context isn't something we ALL need. Some of us understand it really well and are aghast at the dumbness on both sides of the aisle.