
I think it really depends on the angle you're looking at. GW didn't do anything that hadn't been done before. He pretty much confirmed everyone's suspicions of the military industrial complex ruling the US and, if you're the type to hate lobbyists, confirmed corporate control over the government. Yeah, he started a

I have enough rage to go around, believe me.

Well, he could at least laugh at himself and seems to have enough self awareness about his horrible legacy that he just holes up and paints. We can argue about his "evilness" all we want, but I think there's no comparison between the two.

I feel like we could compromise if we just give up god stuff and identity politics….

Oh, no. I think King has horrible movie taste from all I've read…although his reasons for hating the Shining are legit enough, I guess.

You mean perfect ending…Hey, we all make typos. :)

I love the movie…I think it's one of the better King adaptations. This COULD BE Under the Dome…..I haven't seen it yet….but why change what was a pretty great film?


lol. It's probably close to the truth. I'm so mad at the Dems for the Georgia fiasco. Now you've given a "win" to the Orange one and emboldened his shitty followers mostly because the Dems put up another horrible candidate. I'm a moderate, but I can tell you one thing: If I have to choose a moderate Republican or a

Who said you were mad?

Also, I'm curious what beliefs of mine you don't think need to be tolerated…seriously…what "beliefs" of mine do you take issue with…..I'd LOVE to hear this.

No one said anyone had to "tolerate" my shitty beliefs that people should be tolerant…..but, hey, at least I have comfort that I'm not living my life as some lame trope, right? Ah, you probably can't relate. NM.

Snark is a total substitute for tolerance and logic. You're right…I've been clueless all these years.

Am I really going to have to go back to that scene and reread it….as an adult? :( Can anyone link to it online? lol.

Case and point. Thanks.

If we can play "utopian fantasy" I've always been in favor of some kind of discourse theory….where the validity of your views depends on who we are…but there has to be a structured way and therein is the challenge. For example, I'm personally pro-life. However, I'm also a guy and don't see how my opinion on the issue

I don't think credentialing is necessarily the best option for the reasons some have pointed out (although, some of those arguments against it are weak too).

That's the internet's fault. Also, most media doesn't matter.

I think you can't underestimate the literal psychological shit going on with a lot of people (fairly speaking, on all sides). Like, your coworker can't accept that successful people are dumb and his supporters have convinced themselves that he's playing 3-D chess (as it's often described)…..Honestly, I just think our

I agree, but you should also realize there are liberals who would never vote for a Republican as well. Trust me, I identify as right-center, and am not an idiot and in agreement with a lot of 'core' liberal beliefs…and the shit that I take just for speaking aloud the best summation of my beliefs I can linguistically