
I think everyone is being too hard on HistoryofMatt….I mean, the point he's making is fair enough…just because he doesn't have a well-thought out policy to implement the idea isn't really a hole in the argument.

That seriously makes sense to you?

Enjoyed rubbing one out in front of you….or do you expect us to believe your brother has decency?

That's why they had the preteen orgy. To satiate their loins before confronting the very sexually appealing spider. It took me nearly 40 years but it all makes sense.

When I was a kid I remember my friend and I were so into watching the miniseries and we hadn't read the book. He was terrified of spiders and a hardcore asthmatic. We were talking about how IT basically could form into anything you were afraid of (at least how we took it at 11 or whatever). He said if he was Eddie it

Hmm. You could be right. I was a chubby kid so maybe I was projecting. I def remember Bill was the one who could properly finish….because writers give birth to stories…or something.

I just thought it was weird the fat kid had the big dick. And he couldn't even finish, right? I mean….that scene was more graphic than regular sex scenes….

That's fair enough. I can see how it was sort of supposed to be honorific to SW fans and could fall flat. I thought the characterization of the "team" was kind of weak, but the two main characters and the battle scenes were solid enough for me.

The Marvel movies inherently have a lot of leeway though. You have aliens, space, magic, gods, technology, etc. I think the best thing they did to create the "universe" is make it believable all those things work together….in the comics you sort of care less. I mean, do I really care about the difference between Dr.

It's solid if you don't give a fuck about SW and just imagine it as a generic SF movie with some familiarity of the world. I think SW fans enjoyed it less than the rest of us.

I'm just going to keep saying this every time someone mentions the Fantastic Four, but it's obvious that the Fantastic Four movies would fucking work if they took place in the 1960s a'la "First Class". I promise it would be a successful movie if both First Class and 3 horrible movies haven't already ruined the option.

Really? I'm not a Star Wars person at all, but I enjoyed Rouge One. I have a theory that the less you give a shit about the Star Wars universe the more you enjoy shit like Rouge One.


True. Although if "here first" is a thing then I'm pretty sure it is time for them to move on from the Redskins….

My understanding was that in the lower courts it was ruled unconstitutional not because of representation, but because they were done strictly with the intent to be partisan. However, it has never been decided until now what that really means or how you can prove it or what rules need to be in place to prevent it,

Can't you all just like the Ravens? The fuck does DC need a team for anyway?

My daughter calls a penis a peanut…..This made me wonder how many circle jerks Trump has had in his life….yeah, imagine that image….thought I'd share.

I believe they just call them "Washington" although I don't know if that's because of this trademark issue or not. They still can't market in England because of it ( I believe) and the NFL is always trying to expand. As soon as Snyder dies it'll change. Who the fuck is a Washington fan, anyway?

Why on Earth would this administration want to speed up their ability to change government websites without any vetting?

So, I finally watched "Birth of a Nation"….the newer one….