
Oh…and just for all you people who defended Maher…he's begun his slow morphing into Dennis Miller now…Carefully explaining how the left would be so angry if this was Obama……nice, Bill. Nice.

Well, Magneto is the one who brokered the deal with Cap in secret wars. And, I believe, Magneto is guiding the young ones (I can't ever remember if they are the blue or gold team). I'm not sure Magneto will ever turn into the big bad again.

The Resurexxtion (whatever) push is good. I mean, it's not groundbreaking, but there needed to be some adjustments first. God knows these characters have gone all over the place.

Cyclops hinted at the time-displaced X-men's age in the recent Champions when he said he loved Seinfeld and the other Champions teased him for being so old. That made me feel old.

Anytime rim anyone I basically just imagine I'm making out with Strom Thurmond.

Don't give T-dog any ideas.

You clearly have your bias because it's a predominantly Muslim country. I'm not going to get into some internet pissing contest with you about who has traveled or experienced more in this world. Only one of us has made biased comments which would lead one to know that they don't know much about what they're talking

Meh. I checked out her wikipedia pages as suggested. I'll keep my eye on her, but I'm not seeing me moving to support her anytime soon.

If she represents you can you let me know what is so great about here? I'm being sincere. I've heard good things about her but this was the first time I really got to see her in action and was disappointed.

Yuck. She sounded like a loudmouth moron.

YES. I just saw her on the Sessions hearing. She's awful. Please don't let her run in 2020.

Oh, and re: trolling. I'm just not letting your ignorance and myopic worldview slide. Tough love, cookie.

"there is almost a zero percent chance that some kind of extremely violent act happen at/to these kids, right"…..

Like I said….you watch too much Bill Maher. He's making you stupider.

I think because it usurps your myopic vision of what Muslim girls are allowed to do….

Why? And, yeah, you got too Bill Maher. Stop watching him and you'll be smarter than you sound right now….

Obviously, no one gets to the "modern era" in their history classes. Time runs out in the school year either around the Civil War thus leading everyone to think that slaves were freed by the GOP and all is well, or, it ends around WW2 when the US was a badass and is now the center of the world.

That's a fair point.

Well, Pence would likely not win in 2020 and Trump likely would if he makes it that far….which would blow my mind, but still.

They are just waiting to figure out an exit strategy. It's like when you just stop returning a lover's call.