
I don't know why you put Alt-Right in quotes…it's a real thing with real ramifications. You grandpa has Fox News and young racists will have whatever Trump thought he was going to make before he accidentally won the presidency.

There isn't anything inherently NOT racist about being young either….As far as I can tell, young white people are every bit as racist as any white people anywhere ever.

They did scary eugenics on the show and the America had a sorta N. Korea vibe. What they didn't show as accurately to how I bet real life was and how we're seeing things develop now is the crazy, pro-authoritarian douches who eat that shit up.

Totally. My hair is white now. Wife is pissed. I blame racism.

For some reason it seems like Netflix would be able to say, "Meh, you get an hour and a half to wrap it all up" more than other platforms. I mean, it's not like they have to schedule it into a lineup or get everyone to tune in at a certain time or whatever.

lol. hear ye hear ye….

Who is "policing" him? Nothing happened to him— everyone knew how that was going to play out.

Well, as GoEE pointed out, I'm wrong in the sense they know white people are different. I just tend to think of it as geographic issues since that's my own pet peeve.

West Coast people? They do but, although we generally agree on politics, I get disgusted by their close-mindedness and how they reduce everything to stereotypes. It's actually more annoying than conservative people who just admit they have a myopic worldview they're going to stand behind.

I'm not sure I think any of those people, including Maher for that matter, really 'tow the party line'. Maher is more of a "spit in your eye" guy with no care about the intellectual veracity of his points. I get that is great for people who need to vent their anger, but I've seen a lot of harm Maher has caused

That's probably because you're not one of the groups he targets with his poor logic, fallacies, and general poor understanding of the world.

I'm not judging you…I'm merely hypothesizing. Lots of so-called liberal progressives have very Anglo-centric views…..Maher is a good example.

No. Yours.

Indeed. So I'm not ancient or anything.

Ahh. I see your point. I capitulate. :) I was looking at it through the lens of geography only. It's a touchy subject for me since they tend to view anything between the Rockies and New England as the Deep South.

I've watched lots of Real Time….

I've probably not been clear enough in my points, but I get there's a subjectiveness to this position.

How come no one ever suggests black people using that word to put down white people? That's the best way to "reclaim it"….

That's because, maybe just maybe, you're not an actual liberal progressive…..

No, you're misunderstanding my point. I think satire is, by nature, controversial. I'm not faulting Maher for being controversial. That isn't my criticism of him. I'm, more precisely, criticizing him for being shallow and cheap.