
If you're going after Maher for that then his bigotry extends beyond black people….which, of course, I agree with.

I think the real issue here is that, you're absolutely correct, white people use the word waaaaaay more than black people would imagine. I don't believe most the white people here who say they've never heard anyone say it or said it themselves.

I don't think it's about being controversial or even pandering to your audience. I'm talking the nature of their work. I believe those guys are looking to a higher truth to, in this case, how a culturally pluralistic democracy functions.

I'll defend it. Who gives a fuck?

That's not really true, bro. I meet white people on the West Coast who are shocked that not all white culture is the same as them.

I'm STILL thrown off when I meet black people with an English accent.

I assumed it was a typo….lol. I hope I'm right.

Not racist, but an ignorant bigot, sure.

I disagree. I don't believe people should get a "pass" on stuff because you politically agree with them 75% of the time. Maher isn't, like, your family where you HAVE to love him despite his mistakes.

I hate Maher because he's an anti-intellectual who pretends to be intellectual and spreads the disease of being ideological throughout our society. Just because I agree with his politics doesn't mean he's any better, at his heart, than Sean Hannity.

I'm older than a lot of people here and Maher is a smug, self-serving asshole.

I mean, he contextualized it well….and it's not like Hinduism doesn't deserve to be as criticized as anything else. Probably the view of Hinduism in America is too far skewed in its favor in the first place.

It was renewed for a second season recently…

lmao. I don't get to read enough Jeffrey Lord burns.

God, that video was too dumb to watch.

People who think that show or episode was controversial are idiots.

Watching him during meetings and press conferences with foreign leaders cracks me up. The dude is a fucking child who can't even be patient enough to listen to another human talk for more than two minutes. It's, frankly, obscene.

Sadly…kind of true. Remember what sank his run in 2012…forgetting one of three departments he wanted to eliminate….Now compare that to Trump….Christ, how far we've fallen.

Thanks, AV Club, for reminding me how happy I am to be old and married.
