
I ALMOST feel bad for the guy. Like, he should have never fucking taken that job. Leading the GOP in the House is a career killer.

Meh. Is there REALLY a war on education? I don't disagree at all with our shared assessment of the outcomes but I'm not seeing a 'war on education' so to speak…

You aren't wrong that it's about context. That's the error most people seem to have….the context is 99% that it is always equally wrong to use. There's a 1% chance that it would be okay to use (namely, academic purposes or reading Huck Finn or something). Using it as Maher did doesn't give him any cover because, as

Yes, the same "thing" would be required to obtain forgiveness no matter which context the term is used. Also no matter who uttered the word.

How am I clouding the issue? I've stated that it is never okay to use the word and that equal outrage is appropriate regardless of the "context".

No. I'm saying that there should be mandatory sentences for shooting someone…not based on the political ideology of the shooter.

Well, I guess the biggest loser here is Bill Maher. He was probably banking of working for Breitbart if it all goes belly up. Now he knows he's too controversial for them….

I'm sorry if I'm mistaken about it being "justified" but I don't know how else to interpret you presenting various circumstances and then asking me if I think one is worse than the other……

No. I'm saying that when you forgive someone for doing something objectively bad but would not forgive another person for doing the same thing because they disagree with your politics then you are either a hypocrite or engaging in bias.

You're making my assertion that it isn't okay to say ni**ger in a nonacademic context some weird, confusing, maze. That says more about you than me.

This entire thing started because you said that you didn't think Maher was a bigot and I was pointing out that lots and lots of people think he is— beyond this particular instance. It's not what 'makes me happy' or not.

My "forgiveness" is impossible because I've believed Maher is a bigot for years before this instance. There's no difference between he and Hannity in my opinion except that I generally agree with Maher's politics. How hard is it for you to accept that Maher has always been a bigot and pompous asshole? He's just

Perhaps, since I'm not a mind reader, I can't answer what he was saying?

Nice Candyman joke. I've been all over this thread and yours seems as good as any to reply to, but I sincerely don't get this "Maher is a liberal fighter" position.

My answer IS an answer. He said those words. Those words are offensive. There isn't a nonacademic context in which it is ethically okay for a white person to say that word. Focusing on "context" is just trying to create justification for why it was okay to say. Then again, you've already admitted it wasn't okay to

I answered your question. I said, "What I think he was saying was "house ni**er"".

oh, personal attacks now. Wonderful.

What would your reaction be if Sean Hannity used the term "house Ni**er" in the middle of his show. Would you defend him after his "apology"?

Jesus, what a meaty word salad.

Maybe that's because you have some hints of bigotry yourself? I dunno. Maher is a goon with a history of Islamophobic, sexist, transphobic, etc. comments forever.