
So you're clearly misinformed. I can live with that.

He can make jokes about poor white people. He's white.

Bill Maher is most definitely a bigot and was long before this incident. It truly sickens me to read people pretending he isn't.

He should get another show. "Real Time with Donald Glover".

Yeah…let him say racial slurs cuz he smokes weed! Awesome argument.

Maher is KINDA a spewer of hate….that's sort of his thing.

"How dare you"….lmao.

Since this has boiled over, I'll admit that I thought your reaction was too strong….even with my own experiences telling me you had a point. After reading so many comments from liberals here it's edging me to the point of saying he should be taken off the air.

You don't like Trump. I don't like Trump. However, threads like this reveal EXACTLY what is the problems with the liberal left.

Look, I don't mean to sound as snarky as I probably do. You seem like a thoughtful person (more than Maher) and, I'll admit being equally frustrated with people "like you" (e.g. how you exist in my imagination) as you seem to be with people like me.

I'm not sure what would be peculiar about it when someone gets on TV and slanders you and your family and gives half-ass, pseudo-intellectual "talking points" to a liberal, largely white audience so they can practice ignorant and soft bigotry.

Well….I didn't he was "everything" wrong with America…I said he "represents quite a bit" of what is wrong with America. I guess I could have been more precise and said "white people who believe they are liberal"….fair enough.

If that's my real name? Yup. Sure is. Mr. 1978.

"We" refers to people who hold people accountable for their poor actions regardless of what party of area of the political spectrum they inhabit.

There's plenty more than this to justify why Maher's career be wrecked and ruined. Glad you think he's a liberal. I don't. I think he's a pretentious dope and quite possibly a bigot. He certainly has empowered many others (some here) to be bigots and still feel they can keep their "liberal cred".

I was just being sarcastic to the concept of the "language police" being jerks. You're right though….I should have just left it as "white people" because, well, I don't know who else would think dropping the N-bomb was okay….and I mostly see white people here defending it.

How about just scream the N word at white people and leave nooses on their front doors. They'd get the message pretty quickly.

You meant:

I just want to thank you for recognizing that we aren't partisan hacks and actually are committed to morals and ethics. Your support is appreciated.

Eminem hangs out with a lot of black people and never says it…just say'n.