
Don't forget all the white people who use the N word very loosely around only other people but would claim to never have uttered it. I'm sure a few are lurking here. Oh, if only PoC knew how common it is….Well, they suspect, I'm sure. Still….I think they'd like to be a fly on the wall for some good ol' white on white

Yup. That was bananas.

If I remember correctly the "desegregation" situation was quite a bit more nuanced than "desegregation"…..I'm not sure the two are analogous.

Yeah…you're an absolute idiot. My bad for not checking your "secret" profile…started recently with few posts……ergo, Troll.

You are right…However, mine is far more relevant than either yours or Bill Maher's. You really are revealing how prejudiced and bigoted you are. It's a bit striking, honestly.

Terrifying in what way? I've already established that you can't read very well and jump to conclusions….so, forgive me for doubting your ability to actually process what I wrote.

I'm not "seeking to justify" anything. Terrorism and violence are wrong no matter who is doing it.

Yes, as a Muslim who has spent over a decade living in the Muslim world and having traveled extensively throughout it, I do know better than Bill Maher….It's not pathetic, it's sincere and obvious.

No. I said, and I quote, "who cares if the MAJORITY of a culture thinks women shouldn't wear bikinis"…..I followed it up with pointing out that if that were the case it is no excuse for you to condemn 20% of the planet.

What you find "disturbing" is your business. That doesn't give you the right to disparage large groups of people…..nice try, again.

Oh. Now the defense is "far more"….Really? Proof?

What did I say that is misogynistic? Go ahead, I'll give you space to elaborate because it sounds like you're just throwing out logical fallacies and hoping something sticks….

Nope. Didn't say that. You're a bad "debater".

I was waiting for you to pull out the PEW research study…people like you always do….it's the Islamophobic equivalent of "I have a black friend".

No, it doesn't. It makes him seem like an uneducated bigot. Since you can't or won't produce anything specific we're left to "he said/She said". Based on your other comments, I'm very comfortable with believing you actually don't have any idea what you're talking about….

My "rationalizing" is because I'm a rational person…..Nice try.

Oh cute. Now we're talking about "Islamic Radicalism"….sorry, your constant use of "Muslims" was confusing……

Why have some many Muslim countries been led by women? Why are half of all Muslims women? Why are you conflating a normal person of Muslim faith with backwards, post-colonial societies? Why can I poke holes in your idiotic comment all day?

Hindus…Christians…Buddhists….all absolutely are doing organized atrocious things in the world…I am erring on just you being ignorant..

Because "racism" includes being prejudiced against for one's cultural background….this isn't a hard game.