
Good lord…You really think Islam is the only religion committing atrocities in its name these days?

Nice Aussie burn.

No. We southerners do it better. I had THREE people shot to death in three separate instances in the course of a year in my apartment's parking lot. INCLUDING burning one of the bodies in a car.

Bill Maher has had it coming for a long time. I'm happy this is another nail in the coffin.

Yeah, but by other white people..dunno if that counts.

No, no, no. The Evergreen protestors are WAY worse than people mad at Maher. Maher at least has a history of fairly objectively bigotry. I'm more offended at how liberals continue to support this guy and hope this further isolates him. The Evergreen thing is just a fiasco unto itself.

Noooooooooooooooooooo. Trump is anti-intellectual which is worse than being ideological. Both sides have similar issues in this regard but both sides also have reasonable people.

They want to crucify Maher because he's lame. As was mentioned, don't renew the show and put on someone more talented.

Yeah…well…the snark. What to say….It's not your fault. It's not like you made a pun out of it or something.

The comment that finally made me accept racism…….

Does Ann Coulter suck your dick too?

Yeah, but…come on…if that's your real last name you've gotten shit for that you're entire life, right?

It doesn't matter what you are…..it matters how people react. I don't understand why more people don't understand this….

Well, for the record. I'm WAY more of a conservative in general than you will find around these parts….Although, I like to think I'm of a "realist moderate" than anything.

You've said this many times and I wonder how many people actually understand what you are saying…..Count Erpoint also has a good point….I think white people just don't get it a lot of the times.

hahahaahaha. That baby story is horrible and a perfect example of horrible racism.

Upvoted a million times. Passive bigotry is sometimes worse than open bigotry.

Yeah. Ignore the alt-right nonsense above.

Because I feel like you are missing some key cultural points that many people here are making….you keep wanting to make the argument about the right of a worker to say what they want other than the right of the business owner….I'm not familiar with freedom of speech issues in the Netherlands, but I am in the US and I

That's right. That's why businesses get to decide what speech they want to be associated with….