
Absolutely. 100%. Have you ever owned a business?

It's not corporate privilege. It's the right of any business owner. …haven't you said that you live in the Netherlands, anyway?

Yes, they should get fired for saying "fuck". Easy answer, poor example.

Shit, we agree for once. How "house ni**er' could be framed as not dehumanizing, I dunno….

Maher does that ('othering') to others all the time, though…so why should he get the benefit of the doubt?

I agree…but that's not so much a free speech issue as an "educated society" issue, IMHO.

Thanks for the insight, but I understand comedy very well. I, as I said, wasn't offended by this instance. However, I respect that other people may have been and am not going to just pretend like bigotry is okay because of "comedy". Bigotry is bigotry when someone is offended. We all don't have to agree on that. It's

I do understand him, actually. I find him to be a bigot. That's the point. He's always been a bit of a bigot. I understand very well.

Maher is an idiot. THAT'S why I'm not interested in "understanding him". The fact you think his show is an "act" makes 90% of all the other offensive shit he does even worse.

Tell that to middle eastern people who get harassed for being Muslims….

You should not use the word PLUS you should date black people. The former will help with the later and you will be free of at least 40% of racial problems.


Meh. I'm not all that interested in understanding Maher at all. If he won't take the time, why should I?

Why didn't he make fun of being a soft and spoiled white, liberal who lives in LA? That's funnier and not offensive.

I'm not outraged by this at all, but I can also recognize there's a difference between an act and an interview.

Yes to everything you wrote. I don't understand why these supposedly "liberal, but keeping it real" people on here can't see the difference between defending a local person who believes in their western values and defending, say, Saudi Arabia.

Yeah…Your comment sounds like something a white person might say to justify their bias……

India DID adopt a more strict version of Hinduism….I'd get a different "go to" religion….also, umm, India partitioning?

How is the statement, "All human societies are backwards or unjust in some ways" inaccurate? Your defense seems to be that, actually, that statement IS true, but, like, some are better than others….because of your personal sensibilities? I don't get it.

Yeah. All gays get stoned to death in all Muslim countries…..Good lord.