
Thank you for having enough sense to bring colonialism into it. I hope you're a Brit.

Yeah, but, like…who cares if the majority of a culture thinks women shouldn't wear bikinis? Is that soooo repressive to your sensibilities that you condemn 20% of the planet (more if you expand that sensibility beyond Muslims). Western/White/Anglo people don't get to define the rules by which the rest of the world

I largely agree with you, but the whole idea that people "can't" say words is, basically, isn't a winnable point. Instead the focus should be on the context….the context Maher used the word in was wrong is a better point than he can't use the word because of his skin color….or, more accurately, his cultural

You are right to say there is a difference between Muslim in the UK and those in the US. You have more problems than we do. However, you also have tons of "normal" Muslim people in the UK.

I've mostly seen him have on that British Muslim lady who confuses her issues with her culture with that of Islam….She's an idiot cut from the same cloth as Maher.

The point is that we do that shit in America so signaling people out is hypocritical at best….

Ummm, so calling out bigotry makes one an "apologist"? Maher as said, many, many offensive, untrue things about Islam. Unless you are a Muslim I truly don't see how you get a voice in the conversation about what is offensive or not and, maybe, just listening instead of piping up would do you (and Maher) some good.

My understanding was they had been talking before that about Halloween and how people in Nebraska are more mature than left coast liberals….a funnier, nonoffensive joke would have been for Maher, who JUST stated he should move to Nebraska, to make fun of himself for being a left coaster by insinuating he'd, himself,

It wouldn't have been "funny" because the "funniness" rests in the use of the offensive word. Ergo, we can call the joke bad in the first place. A good or clever joke would have still been funny with the word substitution. Maher was cheap…and while I'm not offensive he was white and using "the word" I think using it

Not in Nebraska.


That's called "becoming old".

Hear hear. :)

Yes. I think we need radical ideas and compromise. Not lukewarm, partisan ideas with absolutely no compromise. It's frustrating because, as a conservative, I believe there are obvious issues affecting people. It's not rocket science. It would be nice to have people to roll up their sleeves and decide how to do things

Well, the libertarian ticket last time around was similar to what I'm going on about now….Unfortunately, it lacked charisma…

Kasich get's points for turning down the VP offer from Trump too. Either he understood the political suicide or he legitimately felt it was against his morals. Either way, good for him.

Well, there's an Ozark accent…and also one that is fairly "Missouri". Everyone should check this out. It blew my mind….especially because it indicated where I grew up and despite me living all around the world for 20 years. http://www.nytimes.com/inte…

Yeah…I mean, I suppose the alienating the base and not offending gay people is a pretty political way of looking at it. That could be entirely true of Kasich, I don't really know.

I hear you….but I think a lot of that is 'devil's in the details' stuff. The attitude and approach to those issues is more important than ideologies. I'm willing to debate and compromise on all those issues. What I'm unwilling to do is just support either side cramming their answer down my throat. It creates an unfair

I don't disagree, but I've heard him state (and see him act) in ways that are contrary to his personal views as well.