
Exactly….that's the best part. They are, however, both ethical and reasonable people with different opinions. I'm serious, it would be good for the country.

Yeah, but do you seriously believe he's corrupt or hateful? I don't. I think some Dems fit that mold too.

I think it happens more than people know….my friend's uncle did it. Like, seriously, his wife thought he liked to jump out of the closet to scare her, but really he was "doin' his thing" in the closet and his wife would come home early. How else are you explaining that situation?

Yes. I've lived on the West Coast for years and everyone calls me a Southerner. Can't speak to the ignorance of the East Coasters though…..

Don't worry. It's still an excellent KKK joke.

Meh. I'm not so sure I agree with that. He isn't Sanders, but he's not far from Clinton. He goes against the GOP pretty frequently.

Best story ever was the white lady who voted for Trump and her illegal Mexican husband got snatched up in the first ICE raid…..Oh, but he didn't have convictions…waaaah. Best fucking interview ever. Now she's stuck as a single mom and, like, 5 kids.

No, I hope VP. I want him and Sanders to run together as independents and as a unity party. Can't we fucking do that America or does everything have to be a mountain dew add?

Kasich would have beat Clinton. I said that several times. I live in a state that was obviously going for Clinton anyway (who, I sincerely don't hate….but don't love either). So, yeah, I wrote in Kasich. I actually registered as a Republican so I could vote for him in the primary too. I wish he'd performed better.

That's not fair. He's not crazy just because his opinions are different than yours. I do believe I'd support a Sanders-Kasich ticket.

Super moderate. The CNN debate between him and Bernie was nice. People called into CNN to suggest that Sanders-Kasich run together as independents. I think it's a great idea.

Well, his family thinks so. I'd go with their opinion over the nonexistent toxicology report. I also wonder if it was just a bait'n accident.

I voted for Kasich. I see absolutely no wrong with him. I don't agree with 100% of all he believes in but he has made it clear time and time again that he governs all people and that sometimes his personal opinions don't always jive with how the country should be run. E.g. He's a big Christian but he doesn't need to

Well, Kasich isn't all that bad. For example, there was some issue on emissions standards and, let's say, the Dems wanted a 10 and Kasich thought— for whatever reason — it should be a six. The GOP said, no fucking way…it had to be zero. And Kasich stood up to them and said if they didn't do a six he'd just go with the

I'm with you on Planetary. I read through them all at once. I enjoyed it. It's a lot better than a lot of stuff that has gotten adapted….If they did a show about it I'd rather it be a liberal interpretation which took place more in the world than otherwise.

Egads. I was making an OJ joke….an ineffective one, I suppose. LOL.

Lol. I didn't realize what your post meant. Dunno why that is in my post. Oops.

That's because the New Mutants was, on the whole, the best X-man comic. They didn't rock the boat too much, dove deep into the characters in a way that the main lineup didn't always do, and flat out killed people.

This could be nice….making them a "team" before they are ever introduced to the X-Men. I approve of this as an origin story. In the sequel they can be more integrated into the "X-verse" which I think is, basically shit (as a fanboy).

Ah…you don't hang out with enough young people. This is my "get out of my yard" moment and, I admit, not knowing WW2 is horrible, but I'm constantly surprised at my younger (I won't use the M word) employees who are very bright, educated, and from good stock who don't know shit about history.