
I think it will happen. They've just been in a waiting game for awhile to see how to play this….they have no love for Trump. I think that's one of his huge (political) mistakes is that he believes the GOP has his back….

Hey now…he NEVER had Republicans with self respect as far as I'm concerned.

Well, let's be honest…he IS just like a blue collar worker with no sense of history, nuance, or basic understanding of how the government works.

I know. I mean, I get it. I just thought it could have been even MORE powerful. Like, I didn't get the subtext of white people coopting black culture as much as I might have….I really shouldn't have said anything. I liked the movie. I think more movies just like this should be made. I think I was just more irritated

It might have been him sending his cock to her too.

The best part of that is the "a few musicians and friends"….It reads like she just approached some random musicians for their input.

False reports are rare. I agree.

I'm from the Connor Oberst school of thought….Sue them.

Just video tape every encounter like I do….sure, I hide the cameras but it's just to protect myself….just in case…..

I was going to write that too but then I figured someone would come along and scold me for making that comment since my wife could divorce me and claim I've been raping her for years and people on this site would support her…

Unless the band and, presumably their entire fan group, cares A LOT about this issue…which seems to be the case.

Yes, the entire post above (and the "interview") was literally the most mind numbing thing I've read in a long time. It made me absolutely not give a fuck. I'm glad I'm old enough that I can just let the young people figure out what "consent" means.

Just fuck a Republican. Problem solved.


I think it's more terrifying only if you're sexual and not particularly monogamous or careful with who you show your genitals to.

Am I the only person on the planet who didn't think this was the best movie ever? I did like it, but I don't think it was amazing. I actually thought more could have been done with the racial elements. The avoidance of the racial elements (e.g. more clearly explaining why they kidnapped black people) did the film a

ah hahahahahahahaha. I can't believe you took it there, but excellent. lol.

In this case, hell yes.

Did he? hahahahahahahahahahaahahaha.

That's how I do it too. Then I demand that I hold their keys until the date is over. It guarantees they'll be nice to me throughout the date. This guy is such a rube.