

When we had Jim Crow there was absolutely no rudeness ever. And we DID get rid of a bunch of rude Nazis. I mean, that basically was a war on rudeness.

Stating that Trump's cabinet was too "central" is a good start in my book.

He obviously was more into the movie than the date though..Which I think is kind of funny. I mean, why even date? Going to movies is a horrible first date. This guy has no game.

Well, the only non-sexist way to view stuff is that there's a 50/50 chance either gender is the "crazy" one. Those are good odds.

He spent significant time contacting her about getting his money before he filed. After that he spent significant time trying to find her address so he could file…even contacting her sister (which he had to spend time to track down who she was). That's all according to him.

His quote: "My one word to the trolls: Are you the other assholes texting in the theater? May the men in your life stop giving you a free pass, too.”

You know this would make an excellent Judge Judy if that show is still around…

I doubt that a white supremacist would shop at Home Depot. They'd have to pass too many day laborers to even get inside.

Here's a quote from this loser. It's about all you need to know :My one word to the trolls: Are you the other assholes texting in the theater? May the men in your life stop giving you a free pass, too.”

ahhhhh. Spoilers…but, really? Cool I guess.

Geez. Whoever heard of an internet post being condescending…..

That's rational….but thinking one generation's situation is worse than others is hyperbolic and subject.

The fact that you take my comment as some sort of slight against millennials rather than that the economy for young people as sucked, at least, for the last 30 years is telling……

hahaha. You think life starts at birth……

Everyone for the past 30 years basically starts life in an "economic wasteland". Nothing unique about the life of millennials.

I'm not one to blame younger generations for anything. Every generation is basically the same— they think their life is super hard and the older generation thinks they are lazy….repeat.

haha. Why did my computer autocorrect that? Oh, I spelled "Richtor", incorrectly, and it autocorrected to Andy Richter.

I'm predicting the one guy is Richter. Just a hunch.

All these people seem to be in the new Generation X comic, right? I'm pretty sure Eye-boy is on the cover.