
"His only constraint should be his words"……you only believe that because Harris already conforms and validates your shared ethnicity. His "words" and their underpinnings read totally different to people from other ethnicities.

No, being an "insider" also doesn't make one inherently right or unbiased. That's true.

"Sam Harris shouldn't have to recognize his 'outside' status"….spoken like a true white person…..

Yes. I told you that I misspoke. They are different ethnicities but not races. The reason I misspoke is because I was thinking about this through the lens of racism rather than trying to define a race. Racism is the topic we are discussing. I believe I answered that question pretty clearly in my last post.

Are you talking about races or ethnicities? You seem to be confusing the two. What I said was, "It [the relationship] would be intercultural…..which, if you made gross generalizations about her culture would be considered racist comments. In this case, possibly xenophobic.". That was in response to you asking, "So if

Is it a yes or no question? You seem to be contradicting yourself in that last post….in any case, it would be multiethnic. I believe I answered your question.

It would be intercultural…..which, if you made gross generalizations about her culture would be considered racist comments. In this case, possibly xenophobic.

ummm. Absolutely. They are two totally different ethnicities. It's really weird to me that you'd think they weren't.

Making generalizations about races and ethnicities…even if done unintentionally or due to imprecise language is, by definition, racist. The degree which you find it objectionable is subject. This isn't a hard concept. Most people learn this quite early on in their lives, particularly if they actually interact with

You really seem to have trouble understanding that not all racism has to be offensive, don't you?

Sigh. Race includes ethnicity. Additionally, in my experience, most non-Americans view the US as largely Anglo. Americans are an ethnicity.

It is racist because it is either a generalization of American behavior or a disparaging comment on Americans. We can reach these conclusion because it is, no doubt, a factually untrue statement. Now, it may not be offensive at all depending on the context, but that doesn't change that it is a racist statement.

HAHA. Jesus, you're slow. You can decide if it is offensive or not- as can I.

LOL. Still on the "I can decide what words mean" kick. Nice.

I know….learning what words mean can be an amazing experience. Then again, if you don't know what words mean then perhaps you should remain speechless.

Yes. America runs on Dunkins would be racist. It is not true and a generalization of Americans. Whether it is offensive or not is subjective.

Oh…the "it's not a race" excuse. Classic.

Irrelevant. Racism can be conscious or unconscious….but is objective…the offensiveness portion is, largely, subjective.

You also have completely missed the point of BLM if you think it isn't addressing the factors which makes black on black crime happen….

If you assumed someone loved lasagna because they were Italian, it would be racist. Obviously.