
Just mention Salo, 100 Days of Sodom and you got both your Coprophagia AND your pop culture reference. You're welcome. :)

Asian racism is the best. I hope all Americans get to experience it at some point.

I'm pretty sure we don't count Italians as "white"….Don't tell them that, though. I'd like to hang onto my WASP membership a bit longer….at least until Trump is out.

Hickman always found a nice way to do really dense dialogue and still create interesting art, imho.

The hulk has beaver teeth because he's now an asian and Quesada must think all asians are like chinese villains from the 1930s? I didn't catch it until now, but I hope I'm wrong.

No, just apparently…bad guys…..

The new X-books are good though, eh? I'm enjoying them.

Yeah, did you read it? Great dialogue.

Ha. I just read it today and laughed out loud. I knew that fact, but they had to restate it on, like, page two.

I'm enjoying the new X-Men titles. I'm glad they course corrected….

I can't really decide. I like her character and I think she's well written. I think she feels a bit too similar to Ms. Marvel in some ways…e.g. just figuring out how to be a hero….

He didn't say that. Are you seriously commenting on something you didn't watch?

I took his comment to reflect that the wording was crude…like maybe too "racy" for network TV….he certainly didn't apologize in a way which would make someone think he was admitting the joke was "homophobic".

That's true.

I know. No one should ever have to choose between a bj and a well cooked meal…..It isn't an enviable position.

Exactly. It can't just be one thing to everyone. The joke isn't that cut and dry. Saying it IS homophobic is disingenuous.

I believe that they should have blind-sided Sarah given they technically knew she had an advantage. I'd never let anyone with that power stick around….her power grows the fewer people they have….she could have easily flipped and gone to the end with Zeke.

I found it odd she cried for zeke. On her Youtube she has mentioned she likes Zeke, but implied she didn't stay in contact with afterwards. It's hard for me to believe they were SO close she broke down…

Glad you're hear to let us all know what words mean.

I don't understand why saying that doing something which would be unpleasant for someone (e.g. a presumably straight man or my wife) automatically implies an insult to someone who would clearly love doing the act….(e.g. presumably a gay man or my wife's sister).