
Mostly I love it because she's obviously a white lady who is going to claim minority status anytime she can and won't shut up about her "Cherokee" ancestors.

Jesus I'm a fucking nerd to know who you are talking about…..

Does it get into the Cahokia civilization?

hahaha. I've been misreading all the references people are making here. I've read both books (Z and 1421) and I kept wondering wtf the Chinese had to do with a city in the Amazon…..Then again, 1421 was 90% just made up shit so I guess I might have forgotten how the taught the Aztecs something something dragons.

Alright. Am I missing something or is it weird this didn't get a "Newswire"? I mean, it was on fucking CNN and all kinds of other outlets. Does the A/V club really think this already half ass review area is enough for this incident and the great way Zeke handled it?

I JUST did this on this topic the other night. Wikipedia has huge lists of people who disappeared and I got sucked into it looking at all the links of people disappearing mysteriously. It's totally a valid way to kill a night.

I'm about halfway through East of West. I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I suggest getting the "world overview" comic they put out at some point. It solidified the players and all that which took awhile for me to get my head around (as per a lot of Hickman's stuff).

Yeah, the only thing Hickman has done which I thought was iffy was the Agents of Shield. I really liked the concept, but it was supposed to be an original title, but he applied it for the Agents of Shield. It was such a stretch to fit in 616 I'd have just preferred to have the story be stand-alone.

How do you guys feel about Hickman? I really like his original stuff, I thought his FF and Avengers stuff was the best either of them had in years…and I, personally, would love to see him with the X-men.

He never went to jail in the first place….if anything he had to go in for questioning. He just fucking won 43% of the primary vote and is out campaigning! Jesus, you really have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

If the law is created by a secular government then the law is about limitations on freedom of speech. The law in no way is rooted in scripture. You can just keep repeating yourself but you clearly haven't thought much about this and/or are not knowledgable about how many countries have laws like this.

He's not in jail. You have made it clear you have no idea what you're talking about.

The law is defined by what legal system in which it was written. It is not, as you characterized, an "Islamic law". It isn't. You are objectively wrong and, obviously, not smart enough to realize it.

Also, why do you keep saying he's in jail?

"You win"? LMAO.

If the law is secular, then it is a secular law. I suppose you think all those countries which have laws prohibiting speech around religion (e.g. blasphemy in this case) are religious states?

Christ, you made me remember Tony Stark right before Secret Wars with the App and the being 'evil' because of whatever that crossover that made 606 "opposites day" or whatever. Oh, yeah. The Red Skull with Xavier's brain….well, to fill you in….they finally got that out of him in a decent Avengers run. Also, during

No. No, it's not. You're quickly becoming one of the stupider people I've engaged with on this site.

It matters when you're characterizing it as some Islamic law (e.g. 87% of Muslims being threatened). It is the equivalent secular law to what a lot of European countries have about hate speech, or flat out "blasphemy laws" such as Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, etc.

Well, as far as comics go. Man, the X-men went south. I'm really, really, excited they are at least 'getting back to the basics'.