
That's not what the law is called or how it is applied. It's a free speech issue.

He isn't in jail at all….

The Arabic word is Wali. G. Willow Wilson gave a pretty good breakdown on it which wasn't incorrect. However, after talking about the entire thing she even admits the Indonesian translation is correct (it is….Indonesians know what Wali means). However, whether you'd consider a governor as a "legal counsel" is

Really? So he isn't charged with violating a government law? This is a case for the Sharia courts? Gee, why hasn't that been in the papers?

"Seems" is the operative word. You "seem" like a white person who can't understand other cultures….but, you just "seem" that way so it doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong, I guess.

Also, the original contention was 87% (?) of Muslims in Indonesia feel threatened by the governor of Jakarta. That's a really stupid, indefensible comment. He just one the primary with 43% of the vote. That alone disproves the OP.

The actual law is on the "Misuse and Insulting Religion" of which "blasphemy" falls under. That said, using the proper terminology is more correct since the media, including G. Willow Wilson, has made this sound like some "Islamic" thing…it is not. It is a secular law which also applies to Muslims. Hence, why the

No. He's been charged with misuse and insulting religion- a secular law. So has the leader of the IDF.

Umm. He isn't in jail….

Yeah. Her article was idiotic. The "translation thing" is that the Indonesian translation is accurate but that she disagreed with it. That wasn't particularly profound and her entire schtick reeks of privilege. She doesn't understand anything about Indonesia but still felt qualified to speak out on this issue….

She's pretty much a fucking idiot as well……good comic though.

Yeah…they really had that educational and economic favoritism under colonization….

They aren't complaining about a non-Muslim in power….they are mad he is Chinese is all. There are tons of Christian Indonesians with few problems. He isn't the first Christian governor of Jakarta and he was hand selected by Jokowi.

The Chinese population is a lot higher than 1% in Malaysia.

They pretty much aren't discriminated against in Indonesia or Malaysia or Brunai…..pretty much sucks everywhere else.

Ummm. Probably because 87% of Muslims in Indonesia aren't threatened by this governor. Pretty dumb comment. I'd at least expect someone to Google information before making a half-Brietbart comment.

More like steambitch, eh?

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I don't think 3.5 years for doing something illegal in a place where it is obviously illegal is "fucked up". That's just your Anglo-culture influencing your judgement. As has been said, you may disagree but making the claims about what is "normal" or not is pretty dumb.

Ummm. Care to cite some actual information? This never happened in Indonesia as far as I know. You seem to be confusing "death penalty" with getting a 3.5 year sentence for producing porn.