
BvS's errors were mostly in the script…IMO. It was inconsistent mess filled with weird lines and scenes. That could have and should have been fixed. It got worse with SS and also just had an overall bad esthetic. This looks more like the later except the Batman scenes. I'd never have thought, two years ago, that I'd

Fucking Robocop was in the 80's and I'd have watched that with a few tweaks. You can't tell me the ENTIRE Cyborg needs to be CGI…

It's like half a floating face.

Ok…..I don't want to shit on something so epically shit on…but the CGI looks horrible….I mean, Cyborg looks almost unwatchable and a lot of the Aquaman water stuff looked horrible and confusing. Also, it looked like three or four movies in one. Like, with WW and AM we get 300 and the rest of the movie is a BM movie?

This is the worst article I read in awhile.

It's not even new for Marvel is 90% of these people regularly appear together in the respective comics.

With the death of Professor X and Reed Richards, there was a gap in old white men for the new Marvel diversity focus.

How abouts YOU shut the fuck up. IMO the GOP base is pretty racist. That can be true and it can also be true that they run a more diverse pool of candidates- at least lately. You seem to have forgotten the two latinos who are pretty popular in the GOP as well as some Indian-Americans who have done pretty well.

I think Netflicks is trying to cash in, but are actually a little late to the comedy scene. This all would have been "edgy" five years ago but it's all worn a bit out….at least for those like Burr who've been slowly establishing themselves for years. It might be a big boost to someone lesser known.

Firstly, being patronizing doesn't make you sound knowledgable. Secondly, do you think anti-war protestors primarily come from the GOP or the Dems?
Thirdly, do you think that conservatives, as an ideology, is pro-federalist?
Fourthly, Bush bombed four countries and Obama seven. I can't believe you'd actually think

As I said, I'm a moderate Republican. I actually voted for Kasich both in the primary and for POTUS this election. I'd have voted for Sanders if he had won the nomination….not because I love Sanders, but because I hate both Trump and Hillary. Sanders, for the record, is at least a reasonable and good man (as is

STEM careers ARE racist!!!!!…(sadly, only half joking).

He will run and, I predict, win as long as he spends the next four years cultivating a moderate-progressive agenda and doesn't have some crazy scandal. Basically, we've, as a nation, decided you have to have a bunch of charisma to win.

The GOP has had more women Presidential candidates and people of color candidates than the Dems….Excluding Obama and Hillary, when did Jesse Jackson ever top polling in the Dem. primaries?

That is true, but the GOP has a lot of duplicitous shit going on between their segments. I'm a moderate conservative, but I can't fathom being active in a party that requires the rich to pander to the religious poor, the religious poor being racist, etc. The only common thread (which I agree with) is they all share a

haha what happened to good ol' Katrina. She didn't fuck up nearly as bad a Conway.

At least she's old school and totally leans into the witch role. She's the ONE they are allowed.

I've told you before…as a moderate conservative, I'll be happy to discuss whatever topic you want, but you always seem to resort to just telling me to "fuck off"…..I just would be remiss to point out that's because your mind is closed, not mine.

That's not even 100% fair to say….he only won by 80,000 votes. Even rural America barely tolerates this guy.

This is why there are so few countries which have adopted the US system….it has historically devolved into a dictatorship. That said, the US is far, far from that.