
Nah. You need to be sure there's a payoff otherwise it's just blind dates. Those are the worst, although I guess a lot of dates are "half-blind" internet dates.

Haha. I think it's a fair thing to keep in mind if you live around DC or wherever they may lurk. Frankly, I'm surprised Spicer thought it was okay to go in public and that he didn't have SS protection.

Dear god…I'm glad I went the arranged marriage route. Dating is horrible.

She was sort of an idiot, actually….Props for confronting him….but would have been nice if she had something thoughtful to say instead of sounding like a loon.

He's probably drafting an executive order right now addressing the needs of all the wretched children who are forced into living in boxcars.

First? That's scary…Maybe the comments are just utterly broken.

Admittedly, not far. Maybe a few chapters. I suspect I was turned off by the show people vs. people who read the book hubub which was a big deal at the time I read it. I wasn't a huge fan of the writing style or anything. It certainly wasn't bad writing but I'm only a fan of fantasy stuff once in a blue moon.

Am I the only one who remembers how chaotic Tai is? I think he's deceptively smart. The idea that Caleb is a shield is bogus. Often in the m/f couple alliances, they vote out the girl first because the men are perceived as less social threats and needed to win challenges.

I'm not caught up on the show yet, but this is one of the rare cases where the show doesn't ruin the book and, in fact, they complement each other well. I've heard GoT is like that too, but I couldn't stand the books so I'll never know.

I agree with you, but having the IRS look over it vs. legions of investigative journalists are different. Like, the IRS is going to know there are certain foreign accounts they can't go after or they aren't going to judge someone dealing with shady Russian CEOs etc. as long as the transactions are legal. Legal doesn't

I'm willing to bet that it did have an impact, although I agree you may have not been aware of its impact. For example, education, banking, and technology practices are all the outcomes of globalization. In fact, some of the benefits can be seen when you consider the "pushback" from conservative citizens in the

I kind of disagree. Having lived in the developing world for most of my adult life, I have to say that globalism absolutely benefited most countries….with respect to the complexity of the actual process. The problem is that I can see why the "west" thinks globalism is a negative…I view it as a lack of imagination of

She's pretty ranty and good at hiding her logical leaps to people who ideologically agree with her. I'm not sure if that qualifies as "useless" but I can't stand her for sure. It's funny that watching her or Hannity can make my blood boil, but watching Don Lemon basically facilitate a conversation is fine. It goes to

No way the GOP is monolithic….Not at all.

Less government is a legit position, but not the GOP version of "less in some places and super government regulation in weird places like my bed".

The problem is that they also don't lean into globalism….because the voter in Peoria is automatically against globalism so the Dems don't want to openly embrace it for fear of being anti-American…they also don't want to have an open debate on globalism which would require educating a lot of people and a literate

The main risk is Trump fatigue. If there actually WAS a smoking gun which objectively showed a significant level of Russian compromise, he'd be impeached with full support of everyone.

Because Maddow is a narcissist nearly on the level of the POTUS himself.

Meh. The concept of "news" is inherently wrong and has been since people started caring about things that didn't happen or affect their immediate community. Check out Neil Postman's view of the telegraph.

NPR for that matter.