
I don't wholly disagree with you, but remember that Trump won with a measly 80k votes…Surely a lot of those people aren't his "base" but just really hated Hillary (probably with justifiable reasons). Also, I believe that meme about how Trump is the poor man's version of a rich man, the weak man's version of a strong

She's always trying to jazz everything up…and she usually comes across the worse for it.

The Survivor piece is just bullets.

This counts as a "discussion piece"? Geez, wish we got these discussion pieces over on Survivor. Then again, in light of the "great comments fucking of 2017", I realize this is just yet another way for them to use comments to get away with free content.

I am boycotting anything with the new comments section, for now just the Newswire. I literally come here, then go back and Google the headline to read the article elsewhere. I'm not giving them free content for click-bait articles.

Well, to be fair, some work well than others and some just feel shoehorned. I think Cho as Hulk is sensical and, of course, Miles Morales had his own niche to define himself. It might just be the "overall" push towards a younger audience which, admittedly, is personal to an old guy like me. The Champions (which, I

Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't care if he's white or not. I'm just saying the character is white, right? I'm not in any way an Iron Fist fan, so I don't really have a dog in the fight; just surprised people cared about race in this case. Anyway, someone explained is was more pushback on the "white savior" thing,

Meh. I don't think she was particularly unhinged. I think it was mostly perception based on gender and race. e.g. look at anytime a white guy acts really angry they lose. No one cares.

Yeah, it's still decent. I mean, the original incarnation of him I read as a kid was just me being 1. Die hard Marvel and also liking Batman and 2. Me liking Batman but being contrary.

Ah. I get it. So it's a pushback on the character himself. That is at least sort of sensical, although it is what it is. Lord knows Marvel has gone out of it's way to shoehorn diversity the last year or so….I think that's good, I just also think it's pretty clumsy at times.

Yeah, but since he's white in the comics is the "pushback" because he's a white guy named Iron Fist who knows kung-fu and people associate both of those with Asians….because that's kind of racist.

Yes. And they should have given Moon Knight his own show. Yes, I'm the one Moon Knight fanboy in the room.

Why is there pushback for Iron Fist being white. Isn't he a white guy in the comics?


Why didn't they do the obvious thing and just send the X-Men to space? It has been years since they were spacebound and those were some of the highlights of the comic. It could be really good again. A giant ship of mutants in space. Fuck it, it's better than making them fight the Inhumans. It's also waaaaaaay better

I'll chalk this up to kinks, but the comments are jumbled, the back arrow took me to another page, etc.


From perusing these comments I'm not so sure I'd be so confident there'll be a commenting community.

They are clearly undervaluing the free labor of the content filled comments sections. Let's see how it works. Everyone stop commenting and giving them free content. Let's see if the articles hold their own. My guess is this site turns into click bait in 3 months. Glad ya'll can keep your jobs, but it doesn't mean you

They want to give the "casual reader" a place to comment and not distract them from the other nonsense pages.