
I didn't "change the goal posts". You believe that giving a bigger platform (we both agree has happened) creates more supporters- which you believe doesn't happen and I believe does. You believe they are laying dormant and voiceless and I believe a bigger platform actually acts to actively influence people. This

As I said, I believe the majority of people across the country support legalization. In that sense, it is nonpartisan.

You closed by just copying my words back to me as if that were some proving your "point". Hey, I admit, it isn't the best way to make your case, but I won't quibble with your choices.

You can go anywhere…just make sure it isn't white countries- their days are numbered anyway. Go find a beach somewhere. It's possible.

The other 20% was him just saying "sit down" a few more times.

Well, he abused being boss…and then lied. He set himself up for it all. Watch his testimony before Congress to watch someone really angry and tired of a GOP witch-hunt.

Can we start a Cheney for President campaign? Surely the GOP leadership would offer a trade.

I believe so, but marijuana is legal in blue states so……

I urge everyone to move overseas, which is what I will be doing again ASAP.

I'm sorry you thought E. Warren was intelligent in the first place….

I said: [Brietbart] are making younger, mostly white men, into crazy conservatives.

Well, I agree to a large degree that voters are dumb if only because all people are dumb with dumb being defined as "going against one's interests". There is a lot of research one the dwindling literacy of people and with that comes a more limited vocabulary which, in turn, is part of the reason so many people have a

I understand what your wrote. It is clear that I believe having a larger platform increases one's recruitment and you, it seems, disagree. That's fine, but I'm hardly making a provocative claim.

I'm responding to your assertion that the older you get the more conservative you get….the election results are another thing entirely. Of course, objectively, you get more conservative the older you get….but you also just exactly agreed with me that young conservatives are being given a voice….and if you think that

Well, I didn't say they were the majority….I do believe it's true that there is a "young conservatism" blooming which didn't exist at the beginning of the Obama presidency.

That's the actual nefariousness of Trump and Brietbart….and the unintended consequence of identity politics- they are making younger, mostly white men, into crazy conservatives.

That's a much truer statement than "they are dumb".

Right…but even newspapers boarder on illiteracy at some point. And, while I believe what they say for the most part because I'm not THAT cynical yet, you have to admit that just throwing out "sources say" is a pretty good way to justify whatever you want.

How are any of those countries "grown up" except for the fact that they had a dictator and then they didn't?

The "the voters are dumb" trope is wrong on so many levels it's hard to unpack here. A lot of those people have valid concerns (e.g. small business owners, religious people, etc). You may disagree with them, but dismissing them isn't going to do anything but leave you angry and feeling hopeless.