
My insurance went down with the ACA. Perhaps you should use it, complain to your employer, or blame the insurance companies.

I'm not saying anyone should sit idly by waiting for change to happen. Absolutely there should be people fighting everyday in a variety of ways. What I'm stating is the expectation of success should be more reasonable than they often seem to be.

It's not about keeping women "safe"- it's about respecting privacy…at least in the scenario the OP made. Those are distinct issues.

Honestly, dressing in disguise seems like a lot of work for an attacker. I might be a bit old school, but the only place a pantyhose should be when you attack someone is on your face.

I'm not sure it's exactly that simple…….Not when you have schools allowing the use of a third locker room and still being sued for it.

It may take 20 years but I think, in all sincerity, that people who support trans people just need to deal with acceptance taking that long. In change management there is such a thing as too much too fast. All people should be concerned with is normalizing it- much as happened with gay people.

I hate that argument as well and I suspect I'm more conservative on this issue than many here. I hate the argument mostly because it totally avoids the actual nuances of this issue.

Studies have shown (I believe I'm not making this up) that unisex bathrooms as you describe increase the volume of people washing hands….social pressure and all.

I wonder who owns the rights to them. They are clearly Wolverine related, but they hang out with Captain Marvel a lot and her movie is still moving forward….

Wolverine was the one guy who crossed over a lot. Also, Marvel is dead set on making the X-men absolutely the dumbest, worst, more unreadable comic ever and it has been doing it for awhile. It's sad because I was really appreciating the uptick five or so years ago and how the characters evolved. Cyclops being bad,

Yeah. This one will be fun when it comes to a head. Good way to target blue states, though. I'm pretty sure everyone supports weed to some degree though. I live in one of the early adopting states and I'm shocked when I go to places where weed is illegal.

Cruz is more "real" than Trump in many ways, but both are vilified.

Not having to buy Amazon because all the PBS shows moved over there from Netflixs and now my child is addicted to shows on both.

The AV club isn't a news site (political, at least). However, I enjoy articles like this because there are few places where people can come together and agree on 75% of things. I like the disagreements in the other 25% because they tend to be more thoughtful and funny. I mean, tell me this isn't a better place to vent

You most likely have no idea what I'm talking about because you view everyone as ideologues. That's clearly not what I'm saying because they aren't. People who say that people who support mainstream Democrats are "tools of the Right" are, however ideologues.

The observational kind. The entire diatribe above creates the assumption that "liberals" have to believe certain things and are "bad" if they don't. It's idiotic.

You kind of sound like someone who's sad that the rest of the world doesn't agree with him…..

I honestly can't imagine voting for someone that looked like him even if I did agree with him. Yeah, I'm shallow….but I think he's, like, on the brink of being unlovable even for the most open-minded of people.

It's the best way to make a buck. It doesn't mean they have to be vapid or anything- just taking advantage of rubes. No matter your values, there's at least half the population begging to give you their hard earned cash for something meaningless.

Too bad he didn't have enough forethought to make himself into a cat.