
You should be teaching them to DO it, not only that it exists. Or they are doomed to be potters.

He really needs an older mentor who can teach him swagger and image marketing. I heard Milo is available to coach budding stars.

My three year old prefers Z Nation to the Walking Dead, but I think it's because Z Nation had a zombie baby for awhile.

Part of the theory is that he was kidnapped and brainwashed, I believe. Makes it more "believable".

There's also the theory that he is Bill Hicks.

She's to much like Coulter for it to work out.

Did you just remember the character name or did you have to look it up? haha.

Neither, really. I'm just wondering, I guess, how Ukrainians think of freedom of speech since it seems to be illegal there. I'm fairly ignorant of the area and you seemed to have more of a clue than me.

How come there hasn't been a black Sherlock Holmes, yet? I'd watch an updated, gritty, urban Sherlock Holmes. Cast some rappers, make a buck.

He's playing Lil Wayne in this version.

Yeah, did I misread or where they, basically, charged for exercising their "freedom of speech"?

I assumed since it was "Origins" he was just a young Morgan Freeman.

Man, I can't wait for them to finally bring the Shi'ar to TV. It's the X-man show we need.

I just read they cast Kate Pierson.

My guess is that they set up the "classic" inhumans in the first episode and then make the show about the nonsense "Nu-humans" or whatever they are called that no one cares about.

Good casting, but too bad the Inhumans suck. Maximus is the only one entertaining at all. The Uncanny Inhumans has had a good few issues centered on him. Besides that, who really could care about a giant dog and a guy who can't talk. Sounds like a totally awesome show…..

The best part of his apology is this, "This is a cynical media witch hunt from people who don't care about children. They care about destroying me and my career, and by extension my allies. They know that although I made some outrageous statements, I've never actually done anything wrong.".

Ditto. lol.

lol. Yeah, so the ones who believe in actively attacking other religions and cults and superstition?

I don't think anyone is using what Milo says as justification for anything other than shooting protestors or gay bashing. Even without Milo's "words of wisdom", I'm sure there are enough alt-right basement dwellers who have high school girlfriends because those are the only females who are naive enough to put up with