
WTF is a "nu-atheist?"

What's funny is that Milo has a sliver of truth in what he says, but can't articulate it in any meaningful way. Like, I believe you can say "boy" and mean "young men". He could have just said "twink" and left it at that.

It's possible he will "convert" and let himself be further elevated into mainstream conservative circles.

Soooo. Step 1: Shoot up pizza place because that's where Hillary runs her pedophile ring. Step Two: Defend actual guy saying gays are pedophiles and that's totally okay because he's a gay (supporter of) pedophiles.

Well, I think Melania hates him and what else are they going to do?

Man, am I to believe Maher was actually a genius by knowing that if he'd just put Milo on his show that a spotlight would be shown on all the other garbage, thus, destroying him while minimizing the pushback against "liberals"? Man, that's Machiavellian, but it's probably too much to ask from Maher.

Is it me or is his writing in the Facebook post kind of poor for a "journalist". I had to put it in quote marks since he has no journalism degree or, seemingly, no understanding that journalism isn't just spouting off opinions and being provocative.

He has a few. That one is good.

In all honesty, in school I tuned out anything that I didn't see as having a moderately clear practical result exactly for the reasons you suggest. I find understanding the conditions of postmodernism as being vital because we increasingly live in hyper reality. Understanding those sorts of underpinnings helps develop

Ha. My post wasn't entirely as clear as I'd have liked, but that's what happens when you roll out of bed and start writing a diatribe.

That's a good point. Not focusing on power vs. perception is something not addressed enough. That's why, to me, someone like Milo has the credibility of someone posting on the internet denying climate change. Just because it seems like there's a lot of them out there doesn't make them have any authority to what

People will vote differently. Trump's "win" was 80k people- totally influenced by, arguably justified, Hillary hate. Give him a few more public failures. Whether he changes the, for lack of a better word, national conversation so negative that it is irreparable is another question.

Only because people are increasingly becoming less literate.

Also interesting that the victim is, seemingly, SO focused on freedom of speech that he wants the shooter to not go to jail so they can have a discussion instead. Well, kudos for commitment to ideals, but, like, I don't really want someone who just shoots people out on the streets.

It's an interesting take on it. I agree. Milo should be just labeled a comedian and be done with it. It's all he's "qualified" to do. He certainly isn't fit as an actual academic.

I agree with you, like, 80%. I agree there is no "extreme left" of meaning. But, I do think the identity politics thing extends beyond college campuses and that is one reason (some) people are tired of the left. Identity politics is fairly mainstream as far as liberals go, yet Milo and Maher will decry that's

Seriously? The concept is an old one in American democratic studies.

I disagree. The reason "violence prevented him" was because the security wasn't good enough. It is up to the police to enforce the laws and protect people's rights- not individual citizens.

Yes, but the people doing illegal things aren't infringing on his right to speak- they are obviously breaking the law. How he responds is his choice.

Of course there's an ethical argument to be had over hitting someone. Maybe you disagree, I don't.