
That's how it works in virtually all countries except the US. So, are they less "Free" or are you guys, maybe, fighting for a right which is too broad?

Hence the protest……….he could have spoken if he wanted.

You have the ethical right to hit someone, just not the legal right. The fact that we COULD hit him in the face is ours to weigh. Of course, there would be legal repercussions. That's because his right to speak is being protected despite protests. Ergo, the protests are absolutely fine. They are exercising their

It's disgusting that anyone takes a college dropout with absolutely no obvious skills and listens to them with authority. Louis CK, for example, says his opinion because he's human and has one, but will admit he's just a comedian. Plus, he's worked years to hone a craft and be quite good at it. Milo, on the other

Oh, god. Guess what. You haven't provided evidence that the vast majority of Muslim women are abused nor have you shown that Islam is the primary reason ANY women are abused. You are going off the view of one Somalian woman….and letting it inform your world view. That's the opposite of enlightenment.

Well, care to explain your use of "Muslim countries XYZ do horrible stuff" and "Muslim men do horrible stuff" isn't judging large groups of diverse people? You've yet to answer why you feel it's okay to denote these countries by their religion rather than by another, more accurate, metric. E.g. Why not call the other

No, I haven't at all claimed she isn't qualified to speak to the plight of women in Muslim nations. I've repeatedly claimed that she can only speak to her experiences and that it is on you, the listener, to properly contextualize her opinions and the motivations of people who give her a platform while not giving other

Yeah. That's fine. But I'd be remiss to not point out that judging big groups of diverse people based off what a few people say is usually what we call "prejudicial".

Except I've never once dismissed her claims. I've repeatedly said they are her experiences and valid. I'm just recognizing they are one way of looking at the issue from among many. I, personally, find the execution of her beliefs as counter-productive to actually educating people and have been co-opted by people with

I'm believe that people were killed by their government for breaking a medieval law. I also don't believe it does much good to pretend these things are about religion and not the many many other factors at play in those countries.

Ug. I can't stand her in the comics. Never clicked with me. I think they just brought her in wrongly and it soured me on her.

Who is pretending they don't exist? I just don't understand your fetish with religion when it's doubtful you apply that same standard in other situations.

Yeah…but I'm not misusing it. What "other people do" isn't really a valid counter-point to what I'm saying. In my responses to you, I'm pretty clearly using the classic definition (e.g. that American history and culture is unique and, therefore, can not or should not be changed). In other words, the idea that American

Ummm. I'm not sure how to respond…..so successful Muslim women you've likely never heard of or know little about are dismissed because they "speak for the oppressors"? Real intellectual curiosity you have there. It sort of seems like you're the one automatically delegitimizing people's experiences. .

I agree everyone has an agenda. I've actually gone quite out of my way to say, multiple times, that her experience is bad and that she should speak out on it. Don't represent my motive.

There is ample criticism of Ali. Why do you believe her opinion is more valid than the other women who have criticized her perspective? It seems like you'd prefer to have self-validating sources.

I wonder if they serve meatloaf in prison. Well, you have to figure there were good reasons why he didn't get at least SOME job in the WH.

Ummm. I guess Tocqueville wrote a bunch of "gotcha" phrases? I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I kind of think you need to study that more if you think it's some "armchair" thing. You are kind of misusing the concept.

Shit, I'm basically a moderate Republican and I can't answer that problem at all. It's like, seriously, Kasich was too horrible for you? You can't vote for one of the two Latino choices? Was it because Jeb's married to a Mexican and can't be trusted?

The problem is, the GOP has to get him out without hanging Pence out to dry.