
I guess Trump IS kind of zen if you think about it. Let's hope he's zen enough to get Johnny Utah and start the Ex-Presidents.

Oh, come on. It's just my personal Vietnam.

I'm whatever you call the other guy. Party it is.

No, but American Exceptionalism is a valid academic idea with real world influence (whether right or wrong), e.g. a "thing" while Canadian Exceptionalism is not.

I don't think I'll be satisfied unless Maher (and everyone else) pushes on his authority to have the positions he has. His views are NOT equal to an academic who studies these topics. He should be exposed for having just read some books and forming an opinion. If that's acceptable to some people, it can't be helped.

Oh, she has valid academic points and certainly more than Milo. That said, I can't help but find her views being used by people who have absolutely no understanding or nuance of Islam. As you said, they point to her and say "See, Muslims ARE bad". I obviously have no idea what her personal beliefs are or to what

I don't think having privlege is exactly the same thing as being "oppressive" and I believe your assertion was due to our religion rather than our race, but nonetheless.

You don't need to take me seriously. That's fine.

I agree with you in principle, but we live in a world of vast disconnects. For example, whether Milo will be recognized as an idiot will largely depend on how you already feel about him and what he is saying. I feel your position is absolutely right if everyone was focused on logic and rational behavior, but I'm

Yeah, but you are a black person in one country relating (or not) to another black person in the same country.

I don't wholly disagree with you, but I think that's a discussion which happens a lot within the community. I mean, when you say they should be criticized more equally, it is implicit that people outside the community would be criticizing another community- something which isn't analogous to criticizing Christians

Nice, subtly accuse me of maybe lying, then call me the "oppressive class". Men are about as oppressive where she's from as they are in the US. Also, I'm not sure how fruitful a conversation between my wife and her would be….since they are from different countries and different cultures. Not everything has to do with

Well, I'm not arguing with you per se, but I think there's an issue where, when you entertain people like Milo, you are basically catering to dumb people. If you found people who were intelligent and who have authority and expertise on a topic it might be a different story. However, it seems the more educated and

Yeah. That's not a counter-point.

Muslim African countries are quite different than other Muslim countries because, kind of my point, "Muslim countries" are not analogous despite the US media's constant muddying of this issue.

Yeah…None of that happens in most Muslim countries. Also, to quote our own POTUS…"Do you think we're so innocent"?

Exactly right. It's more complicated when you're working from a negative.

What credibility does Milo have to speak with authority on the subjects he talks about. Would Maher book random internet troll #1 who has read several biased books on Islam? That's about the extent of Milo's authority.

That she can only speak to her experience and not the entire world or all Muslims. Because….you know, she's one person who experienced things which are, more or less, associated with her unique culture in the Islamic world.

I assume you're being sarcastic and also terribly naive. Do you think political beliefs and intentions don't matter when you apply for a green card or visa? Even now they are checking social media of regular people. Why not a rabble rouser? Here's a nice starting place: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…