
Ayaan grew up in an area which is quite different than the vast majority of Islamic countries. How come conservatives don't whine about her being raised in an African country?

That's a false argument. Of course Muslims are the ones doing hate crimes where there are Muslims. Also, I'm not sure the logic of putting your values on other countries. We have our values here and should stand firm with them, no?

I'm not really sure you understand the issue well enough to throw around words like "fundamentalist"….Like, if you were exposed to Christianity then I can see having strong opinions on that, but please ensure you aren't superimposing your own experiences with other religions + media reports onto a billion people

Who cares if she wears a burka? Also, you realize very, very, very few Muslim women wear burkas. When they banned them in France one study showed somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 women actually wore them. Kind of disproportionate reaction, don't you think.

Again…if Milo said the EXACT same things but happened to be a Muslim, what would the reaction be. That's the only question anyone needs to ask. If he attacked Christianity, was anti-gay, and anti-woman but was a Muslim he'd never even be allowed in the country.

Whether Maher "rips him a new one" is the question. Chances are he won't. Will they discuss how Milo has no credibility besides celebrity to state the things he states? Will Maher attack him on women's issues? Will they do the tired trope of Milo being a "self hating gay" (who cares?) or will they have a bromance over

Agreed. I mean, we live in a world where a 6 year old can't use their hand as a gun on the playground….why would making a bomb-ish clock be any different. The response might have been a bit overblown and surely the media frenzy was….but the family seems sort of dubious. I doubt it had much to do with being "Islamic"

Man, I was talking about the "lou", not the Purge.

I guess I just don't believe hitting people violates the template. I think there's enough historical evidence to back that up. I mean, people used to duel, for example.

Well, I can't speak for them. I just think it's fine to hit whomever you want as long as you can deal with the consequences of doing so (if you are caught). I think these things, from a moral and not legal standpoint, are nuanced.

Your posts seem to suggest you think that American values, in the example, are not only different but better or immutable.

There is probably a nuance between the meaning of "ideas" and "hate speech". Whether Milo is advocating "hate speech" would be another debate.

It's been awhile since I looked at this thread, but I don't remember anyone advocating for legally hitting people. I just heard people saying there is a positive value in hitting them. As you just stated, those views are not always the same.

It sounds to me like you are stating how America is somehow inherently different than other countries which, for the most part, are stable democracies with some prohibitions on speech. From the New World Encyclopedia, American Exceptionalism is the belief that the US "differs qualitatively from other developed nations

No. I was being sort of facetious about how we'd keep out one group but not another. Imagine if Milo was Muslim with the same rhetoric…would he be allowed in? It's a double standard.

Yes. I know all that. You've missed my point. My point is that while your concern is hypothetical (not to invalidate the concern). However, lots of people are living with actual fear from their government right this very second and it is getting worse when stoked by people like Milo.

Meaning, there are lots of other things (e.g healthcare, other social programs, UN Declaration of workers' rights, etc) which have not been established, in large part, because the idea that those programs or laws conflict with an inherent American value-system. Basically, a very similar proposition to what you are

Visit a Trump rally.

As I said, you're advocating a weird form of American Exceptionalism. That's fine, since you're an American, I guess.

Also, everything is free there which is awesome. Like, I hate the fact that I can't just walk into a zoo or science center for an hour and then go do something else in other cities.