
I don't know if other cities have this, but St. Louis (and the midwest) has several newsmen who frequently write about existentialism and the general absurdity of life. It is in our music, and writing. I think it might have something to do with German Catholics and/or schizophrenic weather, but it's a little known

Yeah, #1 in murder but it's not THAT bad. I only got a gun put against my head once and I didn't get shot. A girl I know got hit in the head with a purple dildo after being mugged. So it's not like there isn't a sense of humor.

Which school? I assume you are fine with a little danger or you wouldn't be going to grad school there. I used to live in Tower Grove and anywhere in South City is fine and not far from the colleges if you have a car. Basically, live in the city and not the county and you'll be a ten minute drive from anywhere you

People who have in his community and who, socially, understand his experience so that it can't be misconstrued as being for something other than what it is. I will accept Jews, gays, or white people all as distinct groups.

I can imagine those circumstances. I'm not a kid.

As I mentioned in another response, I don't think you would buy that argument if it were applied to other things…as it often is.

Well, not more freedom than, say, cave people. I'm just saying :)

Not wholly. Limitations on speech work in virtually all other countries. With the realization this is a bit false equivalency, you are making a similar claim as those who say we can't have universal healthcare because what works in Europe doesn't work in America or conflicts with our values…

Why do you use 3 black guys as your example? Part of this stems from regulating your own community. If you were black, then, yeah, absolutely you should advocate for slugging those people.

Inter-racial sex. That's how it works in my world anyway….probably not Spencer's though.

I'm sorry, but you sound like a person who is maybe only abstractly affected by the proliferation of these idea. Like, your values are at stake. For some of us, it's more than that.

That's kind of a weird "American Exceptionalism" world-view….

What about it these beliefs have influenced enough people to put a government in power who will, at least in part, act on those beliefs? What if they are allowed to hit black or Muslims but not be hit back? We are edging that way.

Well, exactly…as a white man you have the luxury to view these statements as hyperbolic. As a white man I do too. As a Muslim with a Muslim family, I do not. It is a lot different when you have to worry about language inspiring people to attack your family (and when the government pretty much condones it).

Your position doesn't distinguish between legal freedom of speech and freedom of speech as "acceptance". You can hit someone for not liking their speech. There's nothing unethical about it and it doesn't violate their freedom of speech. However, passing a law to limit their speech is bad and, of course, punching

Well, your position is a very American one, but not everyone is American.

Haha. Was that a Webster reference? Well, Milo DOES like black guys.

Ummm. This isn't supposed to be journalism, per se. How about you know where you are before you run in here and drop a bunch of nonsense?

This is a good show. I think the reviewer wants it to be something it's not. She probably hates The Knick.

No. The comments aren't respectful to the President, nor should they be. After all, respect is earned, not given, and the orange novelty hasn't given respect to lots and lots of people- many represented here.