
Oh yeah…Also, that isn't a sanctioned campaign button. Further proof you're an idiot.

You are wrong. I don't know what else to say. You are just wrong. Teachers can't get fired? Really? Prove it.

Why are you coming to a place where you have no business being and posting comments which are both politically and intellectually outside the norm here?

Oh god, another "rebel" invaded our community and thinks this is a yahoo forum. Well, it's not. Not yet anyway.

Or, you know, white people trying to piggyback on some minority…..

I don't blame you. I'd hate it if she was my Senator too.

How come white people don't go around dropping their black ancestors like everyone does their native american ones? Surely they have them.

That guy just cruised in here. This is the only problem with so many Trump articles…they are drawing flies.

*Raises hand*….and tries not to be a horrible dick about everything. I do, however, really, really not like Warren from everything I've ever seen about her.

It's not unrelated. That's what he calls King Abdullah.

Trump does. Generic white and oompa loompa.

Thanos is alright. He can basically do anything with the Infinity Stones. I think a lot will depend on their implementation of making him 3 Dimensional and how the use the Infinity Gauntlet.

Yeah. It was somehow worse than I thought it was going to be and I thought it would suck. Basically, anything with Lex Luthor or having to do with his "plan" was the worst stuff by far.

St. Louis has the best strategy for special needs in the country and I can't believe it isn't replicated in other cities. They focused on special education since the 1950s and have been tremendously successful. It also covers private and charter schools so the issues you're talking about don't happen with nearly the

Here's some fun math DeVos can try.

My guess is that once she makes it into a public school she's going to see how grisly the situation is.

Nah, I haven't felt the need to mention I didn't vote for Trump, although I have mentioned who I did vote for way back in November, probably.

How many liberal people do you think actually voted for Trump and now are outraged? I guess not that many since he lost the popular vote, but I suspect more did than I'd be comfortable with. Bernie Bros and whatnot.

He's 31…a horrible 31. He's the one who wrote the current "ban". His name is Stephen Miller. He's a piece of shit by all accounts. Read about him and agree with me that we've all known that insecure, horrible, Republican kid. This is him with an immense level of power. Steve Bannon's #2. Yeah. Learn about this guy.

Mitch "Mason Verger" McConnell is on my fantasy Congress team this year. I thought I was going to lose after the DeVos fiasco, but McConnell really brought it home with a soon-to-be-classic, "Nominate Senators to Cabinet because they can't be effectively questioned by their peers" strategy which will be used by both