
Does Bannon look strong and manly? I guess is a "used up" man way….But he sort of looks like lion food with bigger boobs than Leslie Jones to me.

Vincent D'onofrio would do. I swear, I can't recognize that guy in anything anymore for some reason.

I know. It's been puzzling me for months. I've watched it a few times, actually. Especially after the election when I wanted to think that he was going to pull out some rationalized new tax system or something.

I'm not arguing with you…I'm not saying we don't have institutional racism in a variety of ways and institutions. I'm just saying that your example wasn't legislated by the government.

That makes me sad that Trump is into Golden Showers instead of autoerotic asphyxiation.

So I'm not the only one who thinks he has wino/coke nose all the time. Sweet.

I'd take any one of the three.

Oooh, I'm saving this message to show my daughter when she enters her teen years. She's got an elfaphant thing going on. I think it's cute as hell, but my wife swears it's going to be her future insecurity.

Oh, there is. Don't get me wrong. But we are past, for example, the government having official policy of treating other races unequally. Like, loans, or having your religion listed on your ID, or the inability of certain races to start businesses, etc. We're way more covert than that.

They cover it in the new Asylum joint.

I had to Google if Trump had given them an interview…he had not, but sad I had to check. Oh wait, I better check and see if the first lady has been in there…..brb.

They've been slowly migrating here btw…

Maybe she is a witch who has to bathe in lies to keep her youth…

I know…Lady Goebbels is frightening.

Why not? Lots and lots of foreign people love the freedom in the US and don't typically face more racism here than they do in their, generally, far more overtly racist countries.

Yeah…wasn't totally a theory until Trump decided to actively make enemies out of lots and lots of Americans who were minding their own business and just kind of hanging out in their communities.

Not nearly as weird as the level of detail he goes over when describing women's ears.

1. Universities do not invite him to speak..student groups do. 2. I replied to your trolling comment on this site. You clearly aren't from around these parts. 3. Yes, you do need to attend a college to be educated and have people recognize your knowledge. Tesla is a false comparison. I'm debating whether it even

lmao. "This is where the thing stops" hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Must be a parody account. Question solved.