
Illiterate trolls are the most amusing. I can't tell if you're serious or a parody account.

Nice troll job. Universities aren't inviting him to speak. Yes, I've done quite a bit of public speaking. Milo has no qualifications. He doesn't even have an associates degree. Yes. Education matters if you're going to speak about academic subjects. You are dumb and a troll. In other words, a total beta.

You can call me whatever you want, but it doesn't make you not a troll. Also, internet words don't affect me emotionally so, yeah, have at it.

After the Fredrick Douglas fiasco I wouldn't be surprised.

I'm glad you mentioned "anti-war leftists" because that's fine if that's a meaningful issue to you. However, you should note that not all "lefties" are anti-war and that's also okay too. Probably not okay to you, but okay in the value pluralism sense.

I just saw the handshake videos. Fucking weird. lol

I'm always amused at how Republicans are the "party of Lincoln" but ignore all historical contexts from the last 150 years. It's illogical, partisan thinking at it's best.

I feel like maybe you've not visited the site in the last year or something? It's been like this for a long time…even before Trump. Like, explain how food is more 'pop culture' than Trump. Food's relationship with Audio/Visual?

Nothing. They just want to feel like they 'won' somehow. That's it.

Don't miss the best part…at least the comments sections on Trump articles here are good. It's the most entertaining 'safe space' on the internet. Go to a yahoo article and comment and see the cesspool of 'thoughts'.

Hey I wanted to be the one that brought up the volume of bacon articles being more offensive to me than Trump articles. He's at least a celebrity AND a precedent.

It's funny…I don't claim to understand how Disqus works or anything, but I'm assuming articles with Trump on A/V club make it out to the wider Disqus community…Then you have these weirdos showing up and commenting.

haha. True. True. However, at least she donated Scrooge McDuck money to the Republicans. I can get my head around that relationship.

Haha. I don't know why he popped in my mind as an example but, you're right, saying it was talentless was too far. Maybe he's not talented be a racist?

You are right and when I wrote it I intended to be more "conditional" in my closing paragraph. Unfortunately, what was in my head did not make it into my fingers. My apologies for that- I can be a little sensitive when I feel like people are not giving due respect to those of us who are most likely to be affected by

Thank you for pointing out that Milo is a nobody. It's an epidemic that people would follow anyone who isn't an expert on a subject but has some "celebrity" to them. I mean, I bet Bronson Pinchot would be an altright celebrity if he just started being super racist. It doesn't take talent.

Umm, I used sincerity absolutely correctly and in the way I wanted to use it. You are taking the poster at his face value and you are being naive. He was not being genuine in his question (e.g. a lack of sincerity). He had sixteen posts or something and others- in this very article- showed that he knows exactly what

You also don't win it by being nice. Sincerity is a two way street.

Also, good evidence the protesters were organized by Milo supporters.

I've been saying this forever, but the problem is legitimizing people who have no business being "experts" on anything. I can't fathom what validity Milo thinks he has to speak about anything. AT BEST he's a comedian, but if he was in that category he'd be eaten alive.