
Who cares that he's gay? He talks about all kinds of things that he is absolutely not an expert or in any way qualified to speak about….so how on Earth would a reasonable person think he "speaks the truth"? He couldn't even make it through college. You're an idiot for thinking he has anything of value to say

When you just come to a place and say something to get a reaction, it's, by definition, trolling. It's not an assumption. Fucking loser.

Haha. Really? That's hilarious. I think I saw it in Vegas.

I'm really hoping Trump's pants split just for you…well, and him. And America.

Well, I bet Washington was well liked. That might be it. Also, FDR had a good run.

Damn it. I had to Google it. I can't tell how I feel about it.

Agreed. That said, I'm pretty sure a lottery system would have put us in a better position than what we have now. Joe the Plumber couldn't do worse.

This is all just Bokononism at it's finest.

No wonder she gets along with Trump.

I'm waiting for him to bump off Harriet Tubman and put himself on the 20. "They all say I'm most like Andrew Jackson. Besides, what did Harry Truman ever do anyway?".

She turned it down. My guess is because she knew it would be a cluster fuck and wanted to avoid being "official".

Also, likely not rooted in racism, although it's a little hard to stomach orange people. They appear to be the worst.

They don't really "own" the Supreme Court. Despite rulings I disagree with, the Supreme Court is one of the more honest and legitimate institutions we have. The beauty of the appointment is that no one is ever beholden to their party.

That's just his schtick. He's a nationalist. Anti-immigration, anti-Muslim. He's associated with white nationalism. He's pretty close to a Nazi as possible. Also, opposing Islam might not be "bad" per se, but spreading misinformation and lies is pretty unethical. Please don't pretend the guy is some academic with

No, they promptly let him go or he "quit" or whatever. But I no longer have to see Ben Weasel on my TV which is awesome.

ummmm. If you don't believe Robert Spencer exemplifies Nazism, I can only believe you are being dishonest in an attempt to "win" a lame internet argument. I agree we shouldn't overuse "Nazi"but, as has been pointed out, RS is clearly close enough.

I believe the comment was referencing Robert Spencer who is, indeed, a Nazi.

Oh, was that Civil War? I thought it was the whole "Hope Summers" thing. I think I'm confusing two things though…..

Didn't they all die in that X-men thing that happened the last time X-men was any good? They blew the city up or something. I just remember that Speedball lived or something and I never heard of the New Warriors ever again.

Also, I think that goes with the "they're drug addicts" theme.