
Also, Palin's kids threw themselves into the spotlight. Don't really remember how old they were at the time, but they were def. eager. And the family made the baby's daddy be with the mommy because they are, like,, good Christians and wanted to shove that down everyone's throat before it quickly became a "16 and

Of course we can't be better….all evidence is to the contrary on that one….but I'd like to think we could at least do a better balancing act.

Yeah…that shit annoys me. When I'm in a bad mood I secretly hope some nutjob decides to say something about my kids.

I supported Kasich and wrote him in. McMullin would have been a good choice too. Rubio never really did it for me though. Something weird about him to me.

LOL. Hey, I'm generally against liberal economic policies….but it's hilarious to defend Trump by stating that Bernie was also wrong. See, I'm a conservative, but I believe at least Bernie's intentions were good.

No, no. His supporters will claim that avocados aren't American foods and their high price is just further discouraging illegals from coming. The length his supporters will go to to justify his NPD is amazing.

I'll admit I wasn't too thrown off by all the racist shit he did during the election. I mean, he wouldn't be the first old white guy President who was at least a little sexist and racist. I am taken aback by the fact that he basically decided to act on all the racist stuff right off. I was erring on it being hyperbole

Some of them are just partisan hacks who don't believe in the ideology….no different than a lot of Dems. I mean, you can't seriously believe we all support shit like stealing oil and torture? The big ones for me are trampling the state's rights and being so anti-free trade. Also, the pretending our enemies are our

I am….Easy-E up there pretty much hit all the nails on the head. Trump isn't a conservative and his supporters are just a cult of personality. The problem with Republicans has always been the Christian Coalition (wrong side of history) and, later, the Tea Party (uneducated masses imho). The other problem is the

I'm also a conservative in one of the most liberal parts of the country…..if you are a real conservative then there's really no way you can defend the Great Pumpkin.

It's not the first thing I've seen by her that's made me have similar thoughts. It's a shame that a valid point and food for thought gets weighed down by hysterical moralizing, which is how it came across to me….like, who cares what her view of art is? If what he is accused of is true then it's bad. Period. I don't

It's only a little sad though…it is actually a logical conclusion not based on any opposing opinions. Look at firm blue states compared to firm red states. One clearly subsidizes the other. There is going to be a point where the coasts don't want to subsidize the rest of the country….the taxation vs. representation

I agree that universities should be open to discussion. I also happen to personally believe those speakers should be allowed to speak. That said, I believe, ethically, that the location is significant. Censorship, to me, is about legal prohibition and nothing more. It's the only way to manage everyone's right to

I find those actions offensive as well. And also a lot of things which happen in the US. Still, your point is pretty confusing….is that what you believe Islam tells people to do? If so, I suggest you learn more…and not theology. I'd start with colonialism through post-colonialism….

Real tough words from someone who can't even articulate what I'm lying about…..just screaming I'm lying…kind of pathetic.

I'm aware. All he does is tell me to "fuck off and die" and try to tell me that I'm lying about my religion. I even unlocked my profile so he could look at every post I've ever written.

Also, I'm not particularly stupid. You're the one who believes he has magic powers to determine who people are "offline" and you are also the poor reader who claims that I stated I was a "minority" for some reason…..Oh, I know. It's because I stated I was a Muslim (I am!) and you've conflated that with me stating that

I have literally never lied once on here…..I don't need to "score points" whatever that even means.

People in the Midwest do play identity politics….white identity. The Republicans also play on Christian identity. How else do you explain the "War on Xmas" and the Kentucky lady who wouldn't give out gay marriage licenses?

I'm very much in favor of free speech, but where that happens is up to debate. If people don't want someone of any ilk in their community, then it is their right to protest in whichever way they see fit. Milo and his minions can go find some other place to give their speeches. It's not my fault that they may have to