
If it is fairly even in 49 states…and in the most populated state a candidate wins 90% of the vote I'd say their nationwide popularity is about 3 million more voting US citizens than the other guy…..

Sure. One example. What about when the speakers DO call for death and destruction?

Ahh, you're just going to post that over and over. That's fine. I think it's pretty clear who the substantive one is….especially since you can't even offer any evidence of lying besides whatever fills your noggin….I have a few guesses myself.

Yup. Call everyone who disagrees with you "liars". Real mature. I'm not a doctor, but my advice is to hang out online less and go interact with people and maybe you wouldn't feel the need to characterize people all the time.

I'm not lying. You just have a myopic view of the world. Please don't blame me for your own inadequacies.

I voted for Kasich. I'm not an ethnic minority, nor have I ever claimed to be one. See, you have this horrible practice of filling in the blanks with whatever you want…..and a myopic worldview to boot.

You didn't "catch" anything…..when was race even mentioned? I haven't lied once, but I understand that's the best you have to offer.

Dude. Do you seriously think you're a smart person? I specifically stated, multiple times, that I am not saying the Russians hacked the election. I JUST fucking quoted myself from my first post where I stated that it doesn't matter who "hacked" the election. You seriously can't be this slow…..

What simple question? Go ahead and ask. I'll respond. I'm not you. I can directly answer things. However, I, apparently, need to remind you of the actual things I said….when you ask me to answer for points I didn't make or question things I didn't say, I am not able to do so.

Oh, also….This is what I said about the election, "You only need to accept that they/someone hacked both the DNC and RNC and only released the DNC info……That alone proves intent by SOMEONE to affect the election."

Yes. That is true. Sorry, we're not all trolls here. Just, you, it seems.

Also, unlocked. Because I'm fair. You, however, are a very poor debater if "I don't believe you" is the best you can offer to someone's counterpoint or experience.

I didn't edit my post. Nor have I ever.

I didn't realize my history is private.

What am I talking about? LOL. Clearly, you can't follow a position without changing the goalposts or making assumptions about what you THINK people believe. I've never made a statement about Russia hacking the election. Not once. In fact, I specifically have stated that claims that they have are aren't nearly as

No, I don't need to define anything….I asked you a question. That's it. Asking me to "define it" is just you squirming around. I'll repeat it: I am asking if you believe they hack us at all in any way…corporate espionage, hacking politicians, government servers, political parties, anything at all.

I already referenced troll farms…which, yes, are orchestrated by the Russian government….just as the Chinese ones are. I don't need to define "Russians hacking us" for purposes of my argument. I am asking if you believe they hack us at all in any way…corporate espionage, hacking politicians, government servers,

Wrong about what? My personal life? That the ACA is good for at least some people…my family included? LMAO.

Well, I honestly don't know what to tell you. I, specifically, save $2,520 a year with the ACA. This isn't including the pre-existing conditions aspect. The "you're anonymous so you must be lying" approach isn't making you appear very sincere yourself.

Do you not believe the Russians are hacking us? I mean, believing they are doing so doesn't preclude that others are also doing it…..There doesn't need to be data to support an impact….you only need to accept that they/someone hacked both the DNC and RNC and only released the DNC info……That alone proves intent by