
With respect, you don't need to believe me. I am well aware of what I pay and what I was required to pay before the ACA. Are you seriously stating that the ACA has no benefit to anyone in any way and that you don't believe anyone who states otherwise?

If you have poor insurance take it up with your employer. As a family, I have saved thousands of dollars using the ACA and have excellent health coverage. I realize it's imperfect, but I haven't seen anything personally negative regarding it.

Russia isn't doing anything different than the Chinese (you know, besides all the Ukraine and Syria stuff…lol). That said, it doesn't make them 'equal' in any way when it comes to US interests- they are different countries with different stakes. In fact, you're arguing against yourself since Trump is inclined to go

They don't even review most shows anymore. It's fucking horrible. I used to come here to actually get, you know, movie and TV reviews and talk about stuff with people who like the same shows….which, the ones they do review, I don't really 'get' either…

Sorry, as one of the few registered (nonTrump) Republicans here I have to totally disagree. Firstly, Battybrain laid out a good response. Secondly, I'd add that you are completely ignoring the factual actions of Russia and how they might be contributing to reigniting the Cold War. Thirdly, you are placing the blame on

lol. I'm not religious although I'm not anti-religious either, I guess.

I'm not trolling you. You responded to my benign comment with snark. I replied- that's not trolling.

I'd also want to choose who got to sing that one though….

Ha. Mentioned the same thing up top.

How about someone do a Mars Volta song…lol

More upvotes for this…..It's a great way to usher in 2017 and all it brings.

Yoshimi…flaming lips. It's been long enough.

Forgive my lack of articulation. People are not disgusting to me because they drink in general (well most people, anyway) but I do find watching people engage in the act of drinking a bit nauseating to me on several levels- even if it is "social" or not "too much".

I think we both know that the majority can be wrong about a lot of things…..in any case, it's just my opinion and my values.

Nope. Not new here. I'm noting it is biased. More specifically biased against "Gen Xers". Is there something offensive about that statement to you? Having a hard time navigating through value pluralism, are we?

Well, I noticed you didn't argue that it wasn't biased. So there's that.

You guys should have tried the job market back in the 90s when your college degree was made virtually obsolete it five years. It was awesome.

lmao. Seems the article above is a bit biased, no?

I agree that it all depends on the actual location of the alcohol, etc. I totally disagree that if you believe alcohol is a sign of moral failing that you are "super fundamentalist". I don't drink and I think people who drink are usually pretty disgusting.

I don't think the alcohol thing is lunacy. Especially if she doesn't drink.