

That's right. You shouldn't complain if you don't walk the walk. Glad to see that you are admitting it, albeit with snark.

I accept you can't admit that there isn't actual consensus around this issue and that you are misrepresenting research to suit your own moral agenda. You can draw whatever conclusions you want.

Steve. Don't sweat it. Even the science guy is misleading everyone to try and bolster his own moralizing. The APA studied 300 studies and the most they could muster is that watching violent media is a "risk factor" for aggression. It isn't even on the CDC list of risk factors leading to youth violence. However,

Umm, who is "we"? Did you seriously just assume we all have an accepted level of hostility? Speak for yourself. Also, tell your kids to be nice to my kids or they are going to get a black eye.

Why are you acting like there is 100% consensus on this issue? Why offer to link to 'pay academic sites"? There are multiple results by nature of there being multiple studies.


Girls that hit puberty earlier also have a lot more sex earlier and are more likely to be teen moms. What are you going to do to stop that?!

I was hoping someone responded in this way….I was the same. I'm even MORE permissive with my kids. I'll admit they might *say* things that are weird…my daughter loves to play zombies and I doubt any of her four year old friends even know what that is….but it's just words.

Meh. 1933 is pushing it these days.

So…none in the modern era?

I don't need anything cleared up. I'm well aware of the situation. I want to hear what people think the problem is. You linking to an article which mentions, vaguely, "water warriors" and a bunch of out of state agitators really doesn't add much to the conversation except that a bunch of people are speaking about

It's not a good idea. I was being facetious given the fact that Trump is our president-elect.

Don't really disagree with all that. I'm not sure career politicians are that great, but I also don't think businessmen- especially this one- are any better. I don't see how a businessman is any different than a politicians except they work with less scrutiny…Would a CEO ever say that business isn't politics?

Well, I don't believe discourse in a forum is an act in any way except in the most literal and narrow definition of the word.

"Sacred lands" as in the entire state…not as in "special to this particular instance". I'm all for treating Indians fairly and all the stuff which comes from history, but you can't pretend there is anything unique about this particular instance. It's sort of disingenuous, to me.

Yes. Exactly that kind of democracy. The American one. The Founding Fathers absolutely viewed a democratic republic as an unambiguously good thing….compared to say, a direct democracy or parliamentary system.

Not any harder than it is to read and learn about facts when you have your own dick in your mouth.

Covered it or not….it's still wrong. You either respect democracy or you don't. That is also a rational thought.

It wasn't without approval. They had lots and lots of meetings….