
It has been rerouted lots of times already…including around Indian lands. It isn't running through any burial grounds.

There isn't. The tribe wants more money than was offered. That's it. The rest is a mix of general anti-oil sentiment and knee-jerk pro-Indian sentiment. The facts of the rest of this don't bear out when you look under the hood.

Your post is full of generalizations. You've basically dismissed the concerns of people because they aren't YOUR concerns.

Except a lot of countries are actually supportive of Trump….

I doubt Lars could keep time well enough to actually hit the "yea" or "nay" button.

I, in all honesty, haven't even heard the problem articulated so I'm not sure what the solution is…I have a problem with the treatment of the protestors. That much I can get behind. However, I have yet to see the problem with the actual proposal.

What is the issue with Standing Rock, really?

Which ones have refused to meet with the President-Elect?

Can you even articulate what the problem with the pipeline is? As far as I can tell, the real issue is that the Standing Rock Sioux want more money than they were offered.

Randomly responding to you in the thread because I agree with you….only 60 people left with about 20 of them getting ready for release…..it's winding down, not just 'closing' as some people want it to be, I guess because they don't think there are actually bad people there?

To you and everyone else. The examples are really insightful and appreciated. I guess I was sort of oblivious to how these things are more ubiquitous that I thought. I'll admit, I don't do social media or twitter, so I might be in the dark on some of this.

Jane Fonda got too old. Plus she divorced her husband who was always a "cuck".

Good info. Don't disagree. I just want to point out that Sally Hemings was also only 25% black. Still made her a slave so about as legally black as you could be. I just like reminding people of that because it really highlights the absolute absurdity of slavery in a way which isn't usually highlighted. Like, being 25%

Haha. They would make an awesome couple, actually. I can see it. Write it up.

For sure. And I should be clear, the American Nationalists do seem to hold religion pretty dearly….but I think the true Religious Right basically got their ass handed to them for hypocrisy…Like, I think half of them got outted at some point or went through enough wives that it couldn't really be overlooked anymore.

I think it's a lot about what we have created as fetishes in our cultures. There is def. a black guy- white lady fetish and there are def asian women fetishes of all stripes. I think there are, strangely, some things that people have internalized as being a "thing". As an Asian woman you've probably experienced that

Religious conservatives haven't been relevant since the 90's. If you don't realize that then you're just too young, I guess. Like, I wonder how many posters here understand that the "Religious Right" was an actual thing and not just religious Republicans. I mean, what is the name for religious liberals then (besides

Ahh. You're right. I forgot about that show. I guess it's nice that it's portrayed but I think there are other things going on in the show besides how people feel about interracial dating. lol.

That talking points memo was pretty interesting. I, truthfully, never thought of it that way before….as another kind of pushback against black guys. Still, some of that context- that black women SHOULD date outside their race is a little weird. I mean, part of the problem is telling people what they should or

That's probably true. I think I've seen that kind of thing on 'match.com' and other dating sites. Still, you rarely see it on a more 'narrative' level. That episode of Atlanta addressed it in a pretty funny, albeit overly satirical, way.