
They separated her so they can do an entire episode of her wandering around the hotel by herself before we find out what happens to the drunks in the bar.

I don't know specifics enough about those particular elements of history to have an opinion, but Postman's point addresses the birth of the telegraph as delocalizing interests. He takes this to be, basically, a bad thing.

I don't think empathy is a bad thing but, historically, people who are like you exist in your immediate vicinity.

You forgot to include "…about it".

That's true of nearly all female actors though, isn't it?

That's right…I'm also not the one whining about it…..

Well, I didn't take the time to post a meaningless one-line attempt at being snarky, did I?

Fair enough. It probably was the use of "so" and "motherfuckers" which made me infer that there was, in my mind, a level of intensity I don't understand. I've also been reading Neil Postman and it's provoking some thought on how much emotional energy we expend fruitlessly….and he wasn't even writing about the

It's kind of sad you don't know what a "double standard" is even though I don't think that's the case here….

Rape culture like where they have parking spots for women close to the entrance as a safety measure? Where they strictly enforce the desexualization of women? I'm not arguing that there is a "winning" culture….but I'm also not the idiot that tried to make that claim…….

Well, you brought up the word "normal" (and I repeated it) but I never said it in my original post. I don't know what is "normal" or not…I'm just stating my opinion. I guess there is some science around emotions and strangers and whatnot (e.g. monkeysphere stuff) but I'm not an expert enough to claim to know much

Generic "you", but case and point, I guess.

I don't understand being so emotional over someone you've never met over an incident which doesn't involve you in any way….It seems overly sensitive to me. I, for one, hope she's able to sue them and receive $$$ or prosecute them…Whichever makes her feel as if she gets justice. As for having any emotional

The Promise Ring is awesome. Then again, I've never understood how the "emo" thing came about….None of those bands would have accepted those labels….I think it's just by the time the music made it to the coasts that everyone had to make a genre around it.

Again….don't support Trump. Never have. Don't even like the guy….Also, I never said anything about gender nor do I care….my apologies as well if I'm offended you.

Interesting….maybe you've overlooked where I agreed with people, had dialogue, and further elucidated my points. To you, nope. Your points are pretty trite and that's being generous….

Are you able to fathom that some comments may be racist while others may not be? Is it possible that some people read into some comments too much when, in fact, they are more ridiculous, ignorant, or lack empathy than authentically "racist"? To me, it demeans and saturates the ACTUAL dangers of Trump in favor of the

Real deep, provocative thoughts. You seem to draw an awful lot of conclusions….done trolling me yet with your nonsensical projections on who you think I am and what you think I believe? You certainly haven't demonstrated an ability to behave like an educated person….

Umm, never claimed or insinuated that I was the spokesperson for anyone but myself…..you seriously have a myopic mind….

That's what you have?