
Case and point……

That's obviously not what he was saying in the interview. Your reading comprehension is poor.

LMAO. I gave the specific example of the Khans. You are accusing me of being hyperbolic, yet you are insinuating that just because I think some things Trump has said are potentially blown out of proportion, I am trying to convert people to his cause.

I think you're overlooking the issue of actually doing things to confront and affect change vs. just whining….which is more to the point made in the interview……He doesn't once "defend" racism or talk bad about any races….what he does say is that it disturbs him that people just whine about stuff all the time and

E.g. not everything Trumps says which people say is racist is necessarily "racist" as much as it might actually be people reading into his comments and rushing to judge him…..I provided a specific example. Peruse.

Yeah, but I used this example before in this thread, but I didn't really take his comments to be about Ms. Khan not speaking due to Islam….I'm kind of surprised other people are hammering that point. It's a little distracting to all the clearer examples of racism and bigotry Trump espouses. Oh well. I was just

I am against misrepresenting the interview….which has clearly been done.



No, no. I was speaking to "recognitions"…not you. I 100% agree with you. I think I just hit the wrong "reply" button. My bad. lol.

Not that the family doesn't have a right to say what they want, but I have to admit that I was surprised since obviously they will be thrust into the spotlight…I assume the family understood this. Not real sure what mistreatment they've been subjected to, though. Seems like they have an excellent platform now to say

Are you saying women are more victimized today than in previous generations?

Please don't use the term "white people" if you want to be taken seriously. Use the more precise and correct terms of "agent" and "target" if you want to not seem close minded….just saying…

He wasn't even really talking about race in the interview….it was clearly just kind of example of stuff he thinks people whine about too much. Just because racism is a real thing which needs to be confronted doesn't mean people don't go overboard either…..

Isn't the article shamelessly misrepresentative? I've been told it's okay because of his past comments……..or something…..

When, in this interview, did he dismiss and sneer at people in need?

I don't disagree with your statement at all. My point regarding "direct victims" was meant to highlight that "victims" should be the one to set the rules and define their issues. Too often, I feel like their grievances are defined by well-meaning people who actually have no horse in the race.

Jesus….you are, honestly, slow. He wasn't using the story of the man chopping wood as a commentary against welfare…..it was actually the exact opposite in the context of the interview.

Ummm. The "overt manipulation" is cutting and pasting his words out of the context of the interview to make it seem as if he was saying something else….regardless of the past this is wrong.

That is correct.