
Sorry, you are so offended by someone who has a different view. I'm referring to THIS article and what was said therein. Past comments aren't an excuse to misrepresent what was said…..

It is a totally valid point to discuss. To dismiss someone's opinion because they are "just trying to cover up bigotry" is equally disturbing to me. Trump is an idiot and very likely a racist. It doesn't mean everything he says in the entire world is racist.

Confronting people is fine. The idea of "protesting" Trump is valid enough as he's a political candidate and I don't disagree with your point. My point isn't that "person being bothered enough to address something is somehow less active/powerful than the person doing the shitty thing."…It's that the person who posts

I just read that the "pussy generation", ironically, has a lot less sex than other generations….I guess it's lonely under those covers….

I don't think the movie was a commentary on "political correctness"…..I think it was about a man who lived a long life with a lot of pain who was confronted with a changing world and, ironically, found some kind of place in it….I think his comment in the interview about "political correctness" was regarding the fact

Well, he specifically said he thought Trump said dumb things….he only supported Trump because he didn't like that Hillary would continue Obama's policies. It was hardly a rousing endorsement of Trump.

That's not what he said in the article….What he said in the interview was, "Everybody's walking on eggshells. We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren't called racist."……..when he talks about Trump being a racist he says, " And yeah, it's a dumb thing to

Sorry….I couldn't disagree more regarding the movie….I'm not going to even get into it considering you seem to have your mind made up about it…..I will mention that with all the white-washing arguments going around Gran Torino actually casted correct ethnicities instead of even casting "generic Asians"…but, you know,

As an older person he has every right to believe people were better in his day. All these critics here will be saying the same thing if they are lucky enough to live that long….He actually didn't really mention any specific politics in the article….certainly not in the way the summarized above…I think he had a larger,

No..That's essentially what he was saying…..with a hefty dose of "people are lazy now" which I can't really dispute….

How do you figure he's senile and utterly clueless?

I'm sure he doesn't….he didn't tell the story as an example of when things were good……

"hates the idea of welfare and what he sees as people getting something for nothing. "…..funny, it was written once in the entire article….when Clint is talking about how bad people had it before welfare………funny how things can be excerpted to create a narrative, eh?

Kind of seems like none of the commenters bothered to actually read the interview with him….reading these comments kind of seems to be proving him right…

I'm not sure that racism was an undertone….I think the movie confronted racism pretty directly….

Don't worry…since you posted to the MIA article your discussion of terrorism is on topic.

BTW…he isn't even the first, only, or last "socialist" presidential candidate…in fact, there's very little special about him at all.

??? Man, you're, frankly, kind of a weirdo.

Why would I need to "look up" something? LMAO.

Better than anyone from the left ever has? LMAO. Clinton the first and Obama actually won….