
Well, Obama was in the same boat exactly….but with less experience and still won.

Part of being spiritual is to be communal…to be communal you should be organized. I've never understood what this idea of just "being spiritual" really means…it sounds like a cop out.

Yeah..But that's the thing…Human beings aren't designed to have empathy for everyone all the time around the world…so how does the weekly "be outraged over this" or "be sad over this" tribal mentality really help? I'm asking a sincere question.

I agree. I saw that Christina Aguilera did like #fighter or something…If I die and anyone hashtags anything I'm going to…well, rot.

Not sure I agree with the, "everybody with a gun thinks their damaged little trip will somehow have relevance because they use their gun."…..I mean, I think you don't really need the 'gun' in there….everyone seems to give themselves too much relevance these days…period.

Hey, Ill admit I just am semi—randomly picking your comment to respond to so don't take it too personally, but I really just don't understand how people can be affected by the death of someone they've never met or haven't heard of.

LOL. You seem a bit drunk now.

Why would I need to be a friend of hers to have an opinion on two paragraphs of an entire letter focusing on the guy she knew which wasn't published (in this article, at least).

Hmm. That's a good point. I have been as drunk as they come, but it's pretty weird stuff to be doing….saying bad stuff, ass grabbing, whatever I guess is a "drunk thing"….then again, my whole thing is that I wasn't there so I don't really know how anything played out. I think the outrage, rightfully, is about how this

I agree that it seems like she's blaming alcohol and not her friend, but isn't that in part because maybe she's not as great a writer as she could have been?

I think her clarification makes some sense and puts her original letter in context. The reason it was "pro rapist" was because she was writing a character defense. That's part of the process….pulling out just the anti-drinking part is maybe a bit sneaky out of context.

Werner Herzog. Easy.

I wasn't referring to the music. I could care less about the music. Matador did shoddy work and in business and when you do shoddy work you lose $$$$.

Yeah…but it's their mistake…..not his. I don't really see how he can be considered a dick for someone else's shoddy work. There could be lots of legitimate reasons he doesn't want people to just rip him off….

That's probably true…sadly, a minority group wouldn't be represented because they are white…ironic, I guess.

I think it was partly because the boy had porn or something on the computer and the Muslim boy was covering for him at the expense of looking like a terrorist….something like that. It was a good episode.

And I said "it really just depends where you are at"……e.g. America. The same statement doesn't ring true in Muslim countries- give or take a few like Turkey or parts of Indonesia.

Assuming the actress is Muslim she might wear her hijab during filming since she isn't in her home……

How could they be accused of "whitewashing" when it's an actual thing….a pretty significant thing at that.

Little Mosque is probably better than this show in a lot of ways, but also maybe less accessible to non-Muslim audiences.